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Everything posted by madmax_926

  1. my exhaust bangs on the axle all the time and it is japspeed although i think it depends also on how low your car is
  2. yes mate ftw dont go ct9 route wish i had spent my money on that 1st
  3. hks ssqv are not supposed to let the car chatter, try a blitz ss, greddy type s, sard r2d2 etc or something simililar or a adjustable hks
  4. Saw a couple of glanzas last night at lakeside as well as a couple of gts inc one pretty quick one was it anyfrom here? was some good racing up there last night.
  5. just google mapped it lol 4hrs drive 223 miles = £120 in my mums diesel on second thoughts dont worry about the offer, not that you was gonna anyway bro, oh and glwts
  6. i took a angle grinder to both front towing eyes lol
  7. yeah i was just watching a video of a r32 and it started to cook oil so quick good video and all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFi9TAXZffo no i dont want to impress anyone lol done few track things before but not in my own car especially with it being road car but im heavy footed and i dont want to kill my car, do i need toe eyes? ill get some guages, will swoosh ones be ok? i know they wont be accuarate but if they start to rise i know ill need to pull into the pits
  8. thanks for your replys mate does the group buy come with everything included then ?
  9. what are the japspeed oil coolers like? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Japspeed-JDM-Toyota-...=item43a5e174c9
  10. hi its me asking some stupid questions again i did search it but couldnt find anything. im thinking of taking my car round brands hatch soon looking to just to do a "taster session" now my car has all stage 1 mods like suspension brakes etc but i want to make sure my car can be as reliable as possible and am looking at doing this more often if all goes well and i enjoy it i will make a full day of it soon, 1. im thinking i should buy a oil cooler now im not sure on where to buy one from and to be perfectly honest i dont understand what i need like hoses sandwich plate etc so were can i get
  11. ok mate if they are the red ones they aint gonna match my colour scheme yours would go nicely with my silver v and i realise your selling at a pretty good price just the journey to get them will cost a small fortune pluss if im gonna to that i feel i should be patient and get the 7 or 8 seats as they will go with my blue colour scheeme if u ever want to take an offer im a pm away lol
  12. nope starting price 99p set the postage as like 5 or 6 quid and write it in the auction and see what you get i didnt expect to get anywhere near £300
  13. i sold my 360 games on ebay i had 60 games i split the games into set of 5 or 6 of same genre like 6 shooting games or 6 sports games i kept 18 rated games with over 18 games etc i got over £300 quid this way and sold the console to gamestation for £60
  14. out of interest how comes u went for the stainless mani by toyo and not mild steel? i want one of these manis 2 good luck with it mate hopefully just crappy gaskets
  15. how much u want for it ill take it off your hands possibly mate does the wg have any cracks?
  16. i dont like the look of it either sort looked different in my head @ hazzagray im gonna give that a go
  17. yes im not too keen on it either thanks for the photoshop though mate
  18. cba to rant with ya but the car aint for sale and the few things that need doing will be done in due course and i can choose to sell anything i own at any price i deem necassary the price reflects the car and the way it has been maintained and modified over the past year being a completely standard import in 2010 and me being the 1st uk owner. the advert on p/h did state that i was only contemplating the sale, and my reason i was contemplating sale was due to bad money trouble which is down to the nhs screwing up my toe selling the car would of cleared debts and leave me with enough to get a r
  19. i new there would be some cry babys haha but come on people its not just putting a ridicoulous scoop on im trying to up the cooling i reckon it could look pretty insane oh and would this be possible?
  20. ait people 1st of all this wont be to everyones taste and probably get some whiners but to me i like the idea of it each to their own n all that, now i run the arc tmic and was thinking of a way to up the cooling to my tmic setup and am thinkin of gettin a bonnet and having a body shop make a say 2003 impreza scoop fit to it lol. i reckon it would look insaaanne and pretty awesome (each to their own n all that) is there anyway some one could give me an idea of what it may look like with photshop or is that impossible lol. now is this possible does a n/a bonnet fit a glanza and line up and
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