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Everything posted by yaristurbo

  1. im a father to be, but dont look like the missus is gonna drop yet
  2. toyota mate, but not ure how much they are, i got mine with the trd stat
  3. true mate, money money money, bowt it MONEY
  4. weather spot on, good night out, surf through day, loads of cool people/places
  5. she would id have paid for the op's lol
  6. uksc roadtrip for the win lets get dates up lol
  7. they actually love trainees as they can pay you pence lol, slave labour, by your second year you will be doing all level of work and still egt paid puttence because you havent got that all important bit of paper
  8. their not even good at what they do tho, ol butter fingers kepper
  9. sorry mate but yeah all the local places onlyt take on couples and familys, went down newquay other year and had a great time, its called smugglers ............... ?
  10. youll learn as much as you need to know dude
  11. men in shorts all chasing that all important ball of leather, all trying to score on eath other !GAY!
  12. started at level 2 and now level three trained, worked all the way through, bin a great exprience, will say one thing tho i felt like giving up many times lol
  13. best thing to do is get stuck in, stuff like cam belts tho if youre not sure, get some to just muck in with you saves a head rebuild lol
  14. great work amte love clean motors underneath finishs off a good car
  15. then again it best to master a trad ein stead of being a jack of all
  16. ima mechanic mate and i love it at times but at times its a bitch i always put it down to, who you work, the atmoshphere in the garage and whos trained you. if you are serious now is the time to do it, dont wait as it is hard later in life to get in. i love muckingaround with the motor on the weekend in stead of paying for it to be done
  17. i belive the heads are different, best off changing the lump i guess as im guessing there are a different strenght and the fueling will be different
  18. dont kno0w wether its the same as the turbos, but make sure you dont trap it on the inlet manifold holding bracket
  19. anyone intrested in doing a club stand at usc this year, i went last year and had a great weekend. anybody got tickets allready www.ultimatestreetcar.co.uk
  20. check the plug gaps, and also for water contamiation in the dizzy cap, i found this with condesation and jetting the engine bay of, if you have accessiblity to a air blower, blow down all the plug holes inside the dizzy and spay some wd down the coils, after that check that nothing has come a drift i.e. leads or wiring to air flow meters and map sensors let us know how you get on
  21. refit the temp sensor that matching your wiring, it will run shitty as that controls the auto choke which will make it add more fuel or take away as the engine gets hot, once that is done re check, depenmding on what type of sensor it is, you will need a multimeter set to ohms for measuring resistance. with the sensor unplugged use the multi meter on the connections and as the car gets warm the resistance should change as the temp gets warm. it should drop if im think of the right sensor. if the sensors working if it does check the wiring from the sensor for breaks or corrosion
  23. does it spool up to the normal pressure, whip the inlet pipe off to the turbo and have a look for oil, and play in the turbo shaft obviously with the engine off. check for oil misting arounjd boost pipes and on entry to the throttle bodies usually easier to get to thats all
  24. id go with a second hand caliper and get a decent mechanic to fit it, unless you can, with the rebild kits its a lot of messing around than just old off new on, but like keri said check the cable, un clip it from the caliper, clamp some mole grips on it and try and push it in and out, if it moves freely then ok, spray some wd40 do the sleeve to help prevent it from doing it, but if its stiff get another too.
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