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Everything posted by Si@Fiske

  1. lol come over lew, its only a 2 min drive for you haha! and yeh cba. lol you can think whatever you want to think aha! and to be honest this will pull sabey out of his comfort zone! lol
  2. Cheers, And nah ive never had any issues down there either, everyone is a nice bunch but just wanted to make it clear hehe! And yep lets hope the weather is good! or we shall have to try and stay in bluewater for aslong as poss before getting kicked out.. the lighting is crap in there though cheers
  3. Hi all! Right as above there is going to be a meadston meet next week or so as a christmas special! I thought itd be a good idea to post it up in here as im sure not all member check each individual region for meets!! I have today got this agreed and I will be doing a full page review in Japanese Performance Magazine for the event! I am leaving all the pictures to Rob and my mate mike as i cba and will let them get on with it lol but i will be doing all the text for the event so dont get scared if i come and ask you some questions about your car and do a mini interview! lol We should also
  4. Thats because your not driving it hard enough haha lol. An LSD wont really cure understeer. but im amazed you managed to spin at 70?? and survive?? and not hit anything??? lol what happened?? lol
  5. ^ yeh idrees mate them paddles are so shitely made. mine let go after about 500 running in miles and it soudns like yours has let go pretty quick to. the centre of the clutch disitergrates and spits like the metal spaces out, they spin round in the box and jam everything up. if its been sticking going into gear, stays in gear when you start it effectivley in neutral, and locks shut randomly id deff check that out before just going and buying a new box.. its shit luck though mate after everyhting youve just had to do! cheers
  6. Ha, I advise you don't get involved with something you don't know anything about... I had been around on that forum and this one for a long time before anything happened so I'm entitled to my opinion thanks
  7. This is pretty ridiculous to be honest, Dylan either doesn't want to work anymore or can't afford the plane ticket back to USA. Don't mean that to be dirogitory but funny feeling there could be an element of truth to it... What you pay for with TGTT you get sweet fa in return in my opinion. Like tc boys said where the hell are they at events?? Keep up the good work Geo bud
  8. Had a really good weekend, thanks to those who put the effort into organising it all! Was good to meet some new people too and put some names to faces. Hopefully next year me and rob will have the sr down there too . Si
  9. Shit luck bud, hope you get it all sorted and that she doesn't go missing from your drive!
  10. No worries bud, need to bring her across the water when she's finished!! That was interesting re insurance aswell by the way, I'm with flux atm and was dreading the phonecall to them when it finally comes round to getting our convo insured lol. But by the looks it probs won't be that bad atall . Si
  11. Not only that when doing a conversion you know all about the car, engine set up etc as you've put it all together yourself and inspected it all so you know itl be in good working order. When buying a pre moddified ep your 99% buying it blind unless you know the owner, second to that your not going to get a decent spec modified v for approx 2k - 2.5k. keep thinking of even more advantages of convo's lol p.s phil not been on this site for ages really but good to hear your finally getting your convo done, best of luck with it mate, itl be so worth it!!
  12. Wow, sounds like you've done a few conversions In your time mr 'love' There is really nothing left to say as rob, phil etc have covered everything off but I can assure you no pikey mechanics are going into mine and robs conversion, oh and I think rob knows the difference between a 75hp and 200hp ep better than most.. But back to the original point, it's only worth doing ste for in my opinion three reasons.. 1) you love your n/a 2) you love mechanics and can be dedicated to it 3) nothing will beat the feeling of achivement when it's done. build not buy!!!! Si
  13. thanks its toms sides, and rear spoiler with livesports rear lip and laguna front lip. its on racing sparco 14's which are probs going to be coated green whilst keeping the polished lip... and then shes going up for sale as getting a bike
  14. looks great mate, i say brows on... and so do 60% of people
  15. hahaha yep, me and rob have those now.. lol
  16. stunning mate, the bay is a credit to you! its mint! Si
  17. congrats dane, looked good! deff going next year!
  18. ^ 205 gt4 runs a charge cooler not tmic so its not that simple. a brake conversion is possible, but im pretty sure its only the st205 that have 4pots, the 185's didnt..
  19. this does actually look pretty dam mint.. i gotta say lol! only thing i would do is loose the trd badge.. just get that engine bay minted to match
  20. LOLS! ohh my god!! thats like the funniest thing ive seen in a while! it worrying though that chavs are interested in ep's.... oh and the wheels on that cut out v look sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! lol
  21. yeh was good, sorry for being abit unsociable, felt like shitee :/.. not been feeling well atall since coming back from mexico last week lolz
  22. Not been on in... a while.. but thought id just drop a line to wish you well and hope your recvovering well mate! Best of luck with the court proceddings etc, but your switched on re all that legal stuff so im sure itl be fine lol. Take care of yourself mate! Si
  23. mmm them roads look ace.. gt4 teritory lol
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