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Everything posted by Hair

  1. Proper surprised no one has snapped your hand off with this mate, free bump for a gnarly car Jack
  2. Looks gnarly man, did you find it difficult to change the front end? And how're you fitting the side panels? As I'm doing mine soon Jack
  3. Stop being a batty and get it finished! Jack.
  4. Have you got any photos matey? Jack
  5. Would like them done before JAE so I'll talk wi my dad and sort out bringing the parts down etc
  6. Currently after the above, if you have either or both please get in touch as in desperate need for one. Cheers, Jack.
  7. Has anyone got a Mk2 Bumper bar?

  8. I'll take um mate, whens the next your dad can get me booked in for what we agreed on? Jack.
  9. Cheapest you'll tek on the side mouldings etc? Jack
  10. Yeah I'll be at JAE man looking forward to having a noesy at it if you bring it, Jack
  11. Looking well lad, be nice to see this at shows soon and to have an oooh ep80 friend. Jack
  12. Not my cuppa tea, considering I bought the varis bonnet for you..
  13. How did you attach the door moldings mate? just interested as I need to do mine soon, Jack.
  14. welcome alont dude! Looks nice, love a clean square light! Jack.
  15. When did ukso become as childish as civic life? :S
  16. If the shell sale falls through, could I have dibs on the glass panel in the boot and headlights/indicators? Cheers, Jack.
  17. I'd give a left nut for the '80 to be this low love this EP! Jack
  18. Someone thought it'd be a good idea to punch and dint my smoothed boot..
  19. :( Are you willing to part with the ducktail separately? If not thats okay, GLWTS though dude shame to see this happen. Jack.
  20. Mind if I have dibs on the bumper when you want to sell it dude? Jack
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