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Everything posted by fremyjay

  1. Cool found one for £15 delivered
  2. Anyone know what sort of price these are worth as dont want to pay over the odds as been offered one?
  3. Im sure he said it does not turn over and only clicks so a spark and fuel wouldn't be the issue at present, it needs to turn over first so its got to be earth??
  4. starter motor wouldnt make a difference to the battery bud, do you mean alternator? Didnt idrees have a problem like this and was flywheel
  5. Where the hell do you get your money!!! Does it not turn over?? Could be a bad earth somewhere or the flywheel catching something, was it brought like this?
  6. Thats the thing he is a full member so why is he trying to add it too everyone elses posts?
  7. Good base there bud, is it your first glanza?? And i recognise that engine, didnt sell it to ben by any chance?
  8. You've passed bideford then, gone over a big bridge?? Should come too a big roundabout next take middle lane as its new and very confusing haha
  9. Fordie_glanzaV has some on front of his I think, pm him
  10. Yeah as lewis said its quite open too, he lives on that road and you pass mine on way and also bens, if you do it if you have time head out to croyde and Saunton it about 30 minute drive out of Barnstaple most beautiful beaches in southwest in my opinion, have a safe and fun drive dude
  11. fremyjay

    Car thiefs!

    What cars are they going for?? You want an alarm with proximity sensors if that is the case as some car alarms only go off if someone breaks into them, but obviously they are dragging them and doing the breaking into else where
  12. On your way back you want to hit the atlantic highway to barnstaple then pick up the north devon link road to the motorway, the atlantic highway is an awesome road to drive, lots of nice scenery and curves bends and straights. http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2010/feb/06/driving-routes-europe-scenic-road
  13. Yeah i learnt my lesson now haha was a few years ago now though, we have civics, skodas, beemers and god knows what else undercover around here now
  14. I was done twice in my last glanza, once overtook a undercover cop and lost him, phoned me next day and got a section something or other and then got pulled racing a bmw turned out to be another undercover cop , then pulled by another undercover cop in another beemer for overtaking a bus in a 30 zone even though the bus was doing 20, so all in all £180 and 6 points
  15. Haha its all dubs in southwest, its the surfing scene dude takes over everything haha
  16. http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/83906-cheap-solid-shifter-and-cable-bushings/
  17. Thery are both japanese postal savings books bud, Part of japan post savings system or yūbin chokin, the logo is that of japan post bank When did you import your car as that book shows last time is was used was july this year??
  18. As above I'm proud to be English but splitting up the country is just stupid, financially and economically, plus really what does anyone gain from any of this apart from someone becoming the leader of a new country
  19. Shifter bushes use skateboard bearings with some washers, there's a thread on here, works a treat and only costs a few quid
  20. http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/58187-how-to-build-a-forged-5efte-engine-step-by-step-guide/
  21. Depends what road its on, motorway or dual, over 100 on motorway is a ban http://www.ukmotorists.com/speeding%20fines.asp Scroll down there is a table
  22. Heard some people getting off with 3 points and £60 fine, but anything upto 6 points and a few hundred fine and a court date, depends on whos viewing it tbh. Have you been done for speeding before or have any points?
  23. What did they say to you at the time as ive only ever got a fine and points on the spot
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