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Everything posted by Fogdoggydog

  1. Lovin' it dood! Looks really well! Cutting out the grill and bumper spars give it a real distinct look.
  2. Nice pics. That engine bay is well snazy, and I think the LEDs really set it off. What other way is there to show off the engine bay in the dark! Bring back ground kits!!!! lol
  3. I think your right there. It's not a legal requirement for your car to have them (or any indicators for that matter), but if the car does have them they MUST be working.
  4. The dog's bollox! The mutt's nuts! The dingo's danglys! It means good!
  5. That's sickening dood! I actually feel nauseous looking at it. I don't understand attacks like that! Completely nonsensical! What the hell goes through an idiot like that's head?
  6. Simple Machine Forum for the win! [edit] Does that mean any PM's I've sent didn't get delivered? [/edit]
  7. I may be just making things up here, but I'd say the situation with job/immigrants is the same down in The Republic of Ireland. So far it doesn't seem as bad up in Northern Ireland, yet. http://www.loadzajobs.co.uk/ and http://jobs.ie/ will hopefully help you judge the job markets either side of the border.
  8. Yeah, wheels picker sounds good! And that flash-based powerpoint type tool sounds BRILLIANT! I'd love to get into something like that once I graduate. There'll be a PM winging your way shortly. [edit] Let me know if you haven't got that PM due to the forum going tits up [/edit]
  9. This was posted up a few weeks back. Looks like the guys is having a hard time trying to shift it. I wonder why.
  10. @Nightspirt: £400 a day for a flash monkey? Awesome. I'll be looking to sharpen my flash skills soon, but is there really that big a demand for flash websites? @Enzo: The single worst thing you can do to a website is put a splash screen on it. Unless it's a full flash website that might take a while to load and you need to warn users of that. And on-topic. I'm less than a week a way from finishing a computer science degree. I earn money being a security guard, and building websites. I'd love a turbo converted SR Starlet, someday.
  11. The red wheels definitely JUMP out at ye! I like it!
  12. That's awesome! It's amazing how much control they have over them things. I was just waiting for the guy on the big bike to high-side it.
  13. Holy Shat! That's some extreme viewing, but would it not be classed as snuff? I'm sure there were a fair few fatalities in there. Car accidents are bad m'kay!
  14. You could make custom eye brows like that no bother. Just get a vinyl sunstrip, cut the eyebrows to shape and stick them on. I was about to do that, until i found proper ones that look much better.
  15. Good pics there gal! Loving the old school starlet with the cossy lump! It must be mad to drive. And the more I see that Yaris, the more it makes me nauseous . Just thinking that you guys should do up some flyers to pop under starlet wipers for events like that.
  16. Some good progress already, nice one!
  17. I'd love to see the state of the guy that design that! I bet he has some serious mental issue.
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