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Everything posted by Chris_14a

  1. Need to do more than a few to enjoy it I'm planning on doing as many as possible and a nurburgring trip ha
  2. Item For Sale: EManage ultimate with 3 bar map sensor Item Condition & Description: This came fitted to my car when I bought it. It was fitted by Weston performance. It has been soldered into the original wiring but I will chop it out so it can be soldered into a different loom. Only looking at changing as have a few different plans for the car and need to get some money together. Price: looking at £350 posted depending on location Pictures: Payment & Shipping Details: collection or posted but price may vary depending on location.
  3. Finished putting the car back together it still isn't a show car but it is a track car so not really fussed. Will finish cleaning it and will be taking it to the meet on Sunday at Td. Still waiting on my new wheels tho as they are being made
  4. I agree and I'm glad you managed to get it sorted quickly. And hope the reason is found so it dosent happen again to anybody but when someone is only commenting to bad mouth someone and try and ruin there reputation I don't see the point it helps nobody it's just petty and childish really probably abit of jealousy there as well with nothing better todo Sorry rant over
  5. A little bit more productive keep trying but I get the feeling you have some other issue that maybe you need to talk to Td about because until the you will only ever comment to try make things worse
  6. Yeah that's why they've not offered to try and find the problem Sorry forgot you were an expert and ran your own tuning company and mapped hundreds of cars in your life time. If you haven't got anything productive and helpful to say don't bother. Thanks
  7. I think before this goes any further that if there are issues they need to be taken up with the lads at Td as it is between them and the owners of the cars.
  8. No reason for that not trying to cause augments our anything just trying to work it out as it is abit odd
  9. I'm not saying you can't but when you start fitting fcd etc it can cause issues and every engine is different there are a lot of variables so there are no set limits comes more down to care and luck.
  10. Yeah but a stock map with different turbo or setup can. And did you change the set up when you had the head off?
  11. Could the damage have already been there before and after the car being mapped it has made the problem show up. For example was your car mapped before or was it running a bigger turbo unmapped and when mapped the boost was turned up putting more stress on already damaged parts causing the above result. As without spending more money this will not be checked by anyone My car was mapped by Weston before i bought it and the previous owner had turned the boost up above the map and when Td did my head gasket last year they told me it is showing signs of wear/det but I did not have the money to men
  12. Agree with that comment especially considering how much everybody asks of these engines over what they are designed for they do incredibly well I think
  13. Thought you was there. No worries. Well hope you haven't been boosting your car yet and good luck weds
  14. Cheers mate try to keep it different but they can look shite if you get them wrong was an option to make it look standard again but wanted to be different . It will be at Td on Sunday if your there
  15. Nice kit there mate I was like that for a while had loads to do and couldn't be bothered haha. Will be well worth it when mapped
  16. Cheers mate will see how much I like it when finished to see how long it ends up staying like that ha
  17. Yeah good luck with that one haha. I will see how I get on will be good on track tho mate just for the experience and for some reason I have never been out on track with any other starlet
  18. That was the idea I will see how long it stays on, its another love or hate bumper ha. It looks a lot better now the skirts etc are on. But my battery is flat and no spoiler yet so will get pictures up tomorrow
  19. Haha we will see she got a big fat rear diff slowing her down . Need to get used to my car again changed so much since last year
  20. I spent a lot of time walking around last year and didn't really find anywhere decent apart from the start straight. The straight worry me not built for straights more corners That's why Combe suites it. Yeah it was swabs old car well what's left of it ha the shell really. Let me know when your at Td I'm only around the corner
  21. Looking good mate get it finished and book the intermediate session at jf2 not that I Condone racing but we can race haha
  22. Sounds good mate never seen a 4wd on either. No doubt it will be on the Td stand. I have booked the second session at japfest 2 not the afternoon as I think it might be to busy and last year was abit of a joke. It needed a change because even tho I have spent so much time and money on it from the outside it was still identical to the day I bought it . Thought it was a good choice to keep it
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