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WAMT - What Annoyed me today

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So we have one of these on AOC

just vent your frustration over whats annoyed you today.

will set up a what cheered me up today thread too.

I'll go first


Think i have wrecked my brakes. they are clunking now...

Come on everyone do it!

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the fact our postal service is frikkin crap, our law is useless in comparison to america on the subject of police (america put a stop to crime, britain wont touch the feckin vandals)

watching streetwars on sky three is pee-ing me off.

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was there reason behind it ste?

Was on an industrial estate, down a road which was a dead end (so it was quiet) and was practising stopping as fast as I could, so was flooring it then braking hard.

Some other learner came down to do a 3 point turn or something and interupted what I was doing, so my dad said to drive round the "circuit" of the industrial estate and come back to the little road to see if shes gone. I did and she was... but then she came back again, and it really pissed me off because there were quite a few places to do 3 point turns or whatever, why did she have to go to the one I was on. (I don't own the road, I know, I know... but still, it pissed me off).

and yes before someone says it, I am a prick and probably do have road rage ;)

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i think youv got anger issues mate, if you think it warrants giving a learner shit for practicing manouvres on a quiet industrial estate while you practice braking (???) then its you whos retarded not them

he is a learner too so lay off, thats why he said he feels bad

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i think youv got anger issues mate, if you think it warrants giving a learner shit for practicing manouvres on a quiet industrial estate while you practice braking (???) then its you whos retarded not them

calm down I'm a learner myself I know I shouldn't have stuck my fingers up at them, I wouldn't have felt bad about it otherwise

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fair enough, im just saying its not a good habit to get into, how often do you need to practice emergency stops? lol

I'd only done it like once before only going like 15mph... so was trying it at 30+

anyway enough of me, don't wanna ruin this topic lol ;)

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Just kidding, dying on metal gear solid when i was just gonna kill the boss bird.

Metal Gear Solid as in the first one?

The one that was on the PS1? F**king great game, which one was the 3rd boss I can't remember ;)

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Whats annoyed me today!

Ahhh the prick that rang up and ordered in a £100+ bottom arm for a quad bike, which was specially ordered in for him from another company!

I ring him up this morning to tell him its here, and he tells me to fuck off and that he doesnt want the part any more!

I may bill him yet and send it anyway! ;)

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today has been ok. yesterday was a pisstake, was surpossed to be working and driving down to london, but the day before i looked at the tax disc on the van and it had ran out 9 days ago!

so told my boss and he said he would tax it online and i would still be able to drive to london. truns out the van has NO MOT and hasn't had mot for nearly a year! so I've been driving round illegally for months no knowing!! Thankful its getting sorted out! just not happy that i got messed about so much.

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today has been ok. yesterday was a pisstake, was surpossed to be working and driving down to london, but the day before i looked at the tax disc on the van and it had ran out 9 days ago!

so told my boss and he said he would tax it online and i would still be able to drive to london. truns out the van has NO MOT and hasn't had mot for nearly a year! so I've been driving round illegally for months no knowing!! Thankful its getting sorted out! just not happy that i got messed about so much.

damn thats not good


the boss is back from holiday on monday...

lazy clients

Huge Workload

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WAMT: Useless post not coming, I was expecting my rotor arm here today so I could give the starbo a service... but no, it's not here. And it's nice weather for once so would have been nice to do it today. ;)

Better not be raining tommorow or I wont be best pleased.

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WAMT: getting to work to find aload of stock missing, paying a bloody sarnie woman £2.50 for a ham sarnie, being warm all day then the minute i step out of the building it pissed it down the minute i went in sunny again

oh and dumb ass taxi drivers :@

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WAMT: getting to work to find aload of stock missing, paying a bloody sarnie woman £2.50 for a ham sarnie, being warm all day then the minute i step out of the building it pissed it down the minute i went in sunny again

thats just what happens, certain humans have an attraction with the weathe, kinda like magnetism, only more powerful

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Yesterday: I had my driving test booked for the morning but was not allowed to take it because I lost my licence counter part, which means I lost all fees too and the time I had waited. Gutted ;)

Also shattered my cars rear screen whilst attempting to remove it :p

Today has been okay though, apart from the rain

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