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got a phone call fro a mate last night bout 11 at night asking if i fancied going for a drive. was proper shattered so said i will miss this one

then woke up this morning with a missed called and a text from him.

all the text message contained was this picture http://i983.photobucket.com/albums/ae314/o...05/IMG_0025.jpg

spent hours trying to contact him, finally he answear his phone and was okay.

apparently he hit a pothole just before and mini round about which bounced him over the roundabout then through one lampost roof first then into three trees. happened somewhere in guildford

he managed to walk away with four broken ribs and a broken nose and his passangered had no injuries at all.

Amazing what one moment of lack of consetration can do aye!

police have already proved he was only travelling at 40mph and have pressed no charges against him

main thing is everyone is okay

just makes you think aye

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aparently the pot hole has to be something like 12inches wide and 8inches deep but this one wasnt so deep so the council wont do shit and they said he need photos of the pothole after the accident happened, kinda hard to take photos when your in your knocked out

but just glad they were both able to near enough walk away

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fuk me!! Glad he is fine though and lucky for you, you din't go out!!

Potholes are pissing me off big time i hit on the other when behind another car(so couldn't see it) and it was like hitting a wall it was so fucking loud.

Another time i almost got flipped when going around a round about and the wheel went into the pothole while turning! :@

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Shit, that is fucking terrible, glad he's ok!!

Guildford is prone for potholes, like every place. They should arrest everyone of these councillors. Mind you it probably doesn't affect them as they are riding too high in their 4x4s

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yeah sawe him at work and he is fine, he is trying to claim 20k compensation and my car will be getting some nice scooby seats as thats the only thing to survive along with one 17inch o.z superlegerra.

main thing is they were both okay, foiund out he was only third party insurance tho :thumbsup:


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