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electrician that used to go in lofts i hate them boys an girls and i tell you what when you look up in the loft and you cant see any of the edges cause the webs are so thick and many you know your S**T out of luck

i didnt go in my mate was going its alright they re all dead i said shut up there are either millions up there on one big fat one thats gonna take my leg.....

so he went up there, was swinging the ol spirit level around and when he came down it looked like a huge candy floss stick

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not fussed with spiders but my god if theres a moth in the room :)

thats weird mate my sister hates moths too but then you probs think we're weird for hating spiders

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Ugh, you prick, that image is going to haunt me. Forevrar.

I despise spiders - likewise Phillybabe, I used to get my sister to come and kill them (and get my cat to eat any vagrant moths :)), doesn't help when you're brought up in Saudi, with all those desert critters abound. The worst are Camel Spiders - pretty huge, pretty ugly, not poisonous, but their name tells you all you need to know about their voracity.


Lul at us mothphobes :) - I actually refused to watch "The Mothman", until I realised, there's no actual moths in it!

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