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Test Fitting My New Wheels

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Bet its light :p

Mate, you would desimate all on the quarter mile with two on the front, im sure you can bodge it on some how ;) :lol:

Where did you get it from by the way?

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Would look well better if you painted them red or green like everyone else ;)

I was considering doing that to be different... :p

Bet its light :(

Mate, you would desimate all on the quarter mile with two on the front, im sure you can bodge it on some how

Where did you get it from by the way?

Yeah it's silly light, much lighther than the rays(probably half as much) despite the difference in size, it's made of magnesium and is pretty thin metal too.

Would be interesting on the 1/4 mile stareing at the sky the whole way down the strip! :p:lol:

Got it off ebay actually, although there is a few places you can get used wheels but I specifically wanted one with a tyre which are a bit harder to find.

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