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Havent been paid in 2 months :( What should I do?

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As the title says guys, I am yet to recieve 2 months worth of wages and am starting to get a little pissed off!

The guy who owns the company is waiting for his care homes to sell in which millions will be coming in but it has been going on for 5 years so i doubt this will be happening anytime soon! we keep being given different excuses "oh it will be tomorrow" "problems with natwest have caused us problems" etc

I have already called in "sick" twice this week so i could enjoy some lovely sunshine :D

Do i refuse to come in until i get what im owed?

How would you handle it?

I have a new job in which I start on the 10th of september but am worried that if I still havent been paid by then they will get funny about money being owed to me :(

Edited by mattyD
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we dont have a wage department as such, we have an outside accountant who sorts out who is owed what the the wife of the guy who owns the place tansfers money to our accounts!

We are quite a small company (7 people) but they claim there is no money even though i see the orders that go out and they have money to by forklifts etc :(

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There you go then, steal a forklift :p

Have they bought the forklifts or renting/financing them? Either way 2 months is a long time, go on strike?

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haha, I dont think I would get very far, the batteries are dead :( lol! they bought it from the company next door who went into liquidation.

I am thinking strike action, but would maybe need to find out a bit more info on my "rights" and how it would effect further monies

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Go see citizens advice about where you stand on the matter might find that you could get more than just your wages if you play your cards right. Just need to make sure he isnt a dodgey business man who wants to sell on the homes and then leave the company insolvent.

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U are entitled to your money no matter what if it was me I would go into the office and just sit there and refuse to move or work till they transfer the money into your account or cash which ever one is easy for them

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As pick1 just said your entitled to your wages. Do you have a contract with them? Does it state how much money you should receive a year?if so got to citizens advice and explain your situation. Then ask them about a industrial tribuneral hearing. If your not the only one that Hasnt been paid get them to do the same.

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I think you should put a written complaint into your employer, explaining exactly what you are owed and giving them a set time frame to pay it (say 7 days).

Then if they don't pay up, I'd do what Flaminsam said and look into a tribunal hearing. Apparently there's also a 3 month time limit on a tribunal hearing so I wouldn't hang about!

Failing all that, just get a summons issued to take them to small claims court, that should make them panic enough to pay up lol ;)

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go over there and get him by the neck, and dont let go til he says he is getting your money for u rite now, sly people like that deserve it and a lot more, it could be something he is use to so try not punch him just squeeze harder.

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go over there and get him by the neck, and dont let go til he says he is getting your money for u rite now, sly people like that deserve it and a lot more, it could be something he is use to so try not punch him just squeeze harder.

And get reported to the police, lose job for gross misconduct and get a criminal record meaning harder to get a futher job - smart!!

Just make sure you do everything by the book, not throwing sickies, doing your bit right so he has no way of worming out of it

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And get reported to the police, lose job for gross misconduct and get a criminal record meaning harder to get a futher job - smart!!

Just make sure you do everything by the book, not throwing sickies, doing your bit right so he has no way of worming out of it

true buddy, i do agree on this side of things, but 2 months work and no pay, that boss has no respect so i dont think he is going to respect the law.

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If its a small firm you are grade A fucked!

Employment law is bollocks and there is no govermnet body who is interested in this kind of stuff. Some years ago I worked for a small firm who went bust. We got our last pay on a cheque which no suprise bounced.

Contacted citizens advice who said I had to write a letter stating I wanted my wages and the other party has a month to reply. In that month they obviosuly fucked off and did nothing about it and to this day I saw no money! No one gave a shit so that was that.

If were in a similar situation I'd demand cash while they are still around.

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^^ lol, not what i wanted to hear! haha!

As we are such a small company, we have no union so I would have to go to see some one like C.A.B or give someone that specialises in employment laws a etc a call :(

As far as I'm aware, there is a kind of history with him not paying, for instance, the company I work for sponsered our local football team and my girlfriends dad (who is a die hard supporter) mentioned that the sponser (my employer) never paid out at the end of the season, leaving the club in shit!

we have however had a break through, i got paid £300! lol

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