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B16 turbo V Apache Gunship

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thinkin of leavin the starlet world and im not sure on what to go for!

as you know my SR turbo is nearly done and altho I've not even driven yet, im bored already.

so what i wana know is, what would i need to do (if i picked 1 over the civic of course) to get the apache up to the amazin power levels of a B16 turbo??

i know both r iffy on fuel but its ok because itl only be for takin on the 1.2 corsas around town.

now dont take the piss outa me for considerin the Apache but i think they can look awryt with the right set of rims.


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My brother's mate's housemate's cousin's mate has a Civic, only has an airfilter and exhaust and it shat all over an Apache the other night. He was 3 up and the Apache was only 2 up too!


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I heard that in the remake of 'gone in 60 seconds' that they'll be using a civic instead of a gunship helicopter to chase Eleanor GT 500 because a civic can actually go up to and above 180 mph.

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Civic all day mate them apache gun ships are hard to fuel and I'm sure tax is quite alot aswell and you'd prob need to rent an aircraft hanger aswell :)

its awryt bud, I've got a drive aand an off road parkin space so could maybe get both! hmmmm

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