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Everything posted by kavan-k

  1. Kavan Kyle Northern Ireland
  2. 'Fuckin nice tits' hahaha that made me lol I second that though.. This is starlet pornography!
  3. I would be sore on a box of lyndt chocolate balls. Or the bars. Anything made by lyndt is incredible. Or a good old freddo
  4. What do we want? EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS. When do we want them? NOWWWW
  5. I didn't say nobody mentioned it, seen a couple write about it, i said i think everyone is overlooking it, because imo its one of the first things i would do ( like you said )
  6. Something i think everyone is overlooking here is tyres! You can have all the braces and bars and coilovers you want, if you aint got grip you aint got shit
  7. This is my emmerdale, facebook lol. The gf is ALWAYS on fb and that twitter pish, and she cracks when im on this, you just cant win when it comes to females. Unless you have a knife ofcourse.
  8. I love reading about this guy, most hated person from starlet owners of all time haha
  9. Yeah you can put spacers in, but get a set of libesports or something lol imo, if there is big gaps between panels, its been crashed lol
  10. Id love a mk2! Everything, and i mean everything is still available to buy new, big money but, and that one has certainly past it lol
  11. http://cars.donedeal.co.uk/cars-for-sale/ford-escort-mk2/5301472
  12. kavan-k


    My job is so fucking unbelievable. I'll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with: First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but damn is she completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on make-up. She is extremely self-centred and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breathe. The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people
  13. Look at suzuki ignis sport recaros, just like the optional extras you get in our starlets, they are while tidy lol
  14. Just lousy! If there was a problem he should atleast tell you there is a problem.. A pm takes less than a minute.
  15. Hahaha what ever happened the turbo? Is it still the taker of children?
  16. Did you sell it with that wee guy included in the sale? Apparently he adds 33.6bhp to any car he sits in
  17. For the nur spec and other metal, rub it down with sand paper and use autosol, mate did it to his nur spec and dump valve, came out like a mirror but took ages!
  18. Im more intrigued by the dual lighters too haha
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