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Everything posted by Jim*

  1. We have a paint shop near me that can mix any colour into a can for you, not sure if they post? http://www.nrponline.co.uk
  2. Thanks mate! Sounds expensive though!
  3. I believe it's came from inside the arch and bubbling through so can't sand it back mate :/
  4. This will stop it ever coming back?
  5. Got some rust coming through on my offside rear arch it's only small but I know it's there! What are my options with this? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  6. Thanks mate! Also only my right indicator cancels, got any idea why this might happen?
  7. The not of wire and a spring please mate
  8. I was under the impression if anything was to go it would be the rings not the piston so it's probably valve stem seals does it smoke on idle or when boosting?
  9. "The turbo has been run in but not done any miles" What? Lol
  10. Piece of piss mate 2 bolts to undo it from the head, then just the fittings either end
  11. I heard it was a tongs Just fcd and fpr See previous comment
  12. one from it running just over 1000bhp >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22i_smiziw
  13. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nne5V_rcHnc&list=UUO8oYY0GkMmkELRmMm_Us5A I know it isn't the stock engine but this thing is crazy! one hell of a launch!
  14. Is there a build thread for this 1069bhp beast?
  15. I had this problem with internet explorer a little while ago but tried google chrome or firefox and it was fine
  16. If I had the spare cash I would have this dude
  17. Anyone got one that you can keep the black spinning thing that the horn wires into and cancels the indicators?
  18. Yeah looked good! And it made 300.8 mate it feels insane your gonna love it
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