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Danza V

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Everything posted by Danza V

  1. I feel very sorry for all you guys! It's such a shame that there are people out there that can do this.
  2. How's this beauty getting on?.. Updates as I'm very curious ;)
  3. it sucks tbh mate and I wouldn't wish it on any apprentice.. Sadly I worked with some who just don't like me. Ivemoved on though
  4. Support worker was a Toyota apprentice form3 years till I got forced out.. Swines!
  5. sold my rolling Glanza shell for £700 so I think your pricing that fairly fair glwts!
  6. Danza V

    Other hobbies?

    I mean billiards lol it's like snooker
  7. a 5 door? Never knew they did them?
  8. I don't think it will come to anything either..
  9. I had a blitz one, you could check the gasket if your using a aftermarket hot pipe or use a bit of ptfe tape on the screw if yours is the ss one
  10. Well apparently they have positioned a nuke bomb in range of hitting American troops in the sea outside of Korea, America have basically told them to fuck off and they will give it to them back, Even the are getting involved and positioning troops. The thing is Korea have a 20 year old president now seriously! He must think its call of duty!
  11. Assume everyone's seen the news? Looks pretty rough!
  12. I'd have that if it was quite a bit lower
  13. Supposed to move freeley with no play etc. Cover rubbing on something? Have you time to whip the cover off and have a look?
  14. Get a video up if possible. Dumb question but did you heck the pas pump drive belt?
  15. There are little nuts on the cable itself which you can use to loosen/tighten it
  16. Danza V

    Other hobbies?

    I used to play bollards for England ranked 8th in uk at one point
  17. You can port the intake, exhaust manifolds and turbo wategates, which is what a lot people tend to do
  18. Danza V

    High idle

    Idle cobtrol valve? I'd try blocking it off and then start it up and see if it cures your issue matey I mean I dont have a lot of experience with this issue but all I'm doing is just saying the things I checked tbh..
  19. Danza V

    High idle

    There's a sticky in Tgtt mate, apparently it's quite a pain in the ass job!! Sticky bov also ? I checked this also to see if it was stuck open slightly, all I did was clean it out, but It didn't work for me but who knows!!
  20. Danza V

    High idle

    I had a similar issue I eliminated the icv by blocking the ports and seeing if it changed, pcv replacement, vacs as suggested, screws as suggested and map sensor adjustment.. Also check your throttle body and cable
  21. How to you get away with it though lol..
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