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Everything posted by Ollieh17

  1. Lights look shit lol in my opinion. Id almost understand them on a rally car Upgraded brakes and go for horse piss EBC pads( again my experience and others online)
  2. Shouldn't really be anything visible
  3. Smoke out the catch can is not normal
  4. Most people probably ignore 'testing the water threads' get a breaking/sale post up with photos spec list price etc and youll get more of a response
  5. I always used to just tack the actuator arm in closed position. Know anyone with a mig or stick welder? Take 2mins
  6. I wouldn't say you pay boy racer tax on the type r. They are cheap these days
  7. If you are 100% sure it wasn't condensation you should probably get it looked at lol. Car may be up to temp but doesn't mean all condensation has burnt off
  8. Was the car warm, every turbo car i know with decat and exhaust system does this on start up and when cold. My glanza with a side exit used to cover my neighbouts car
  9. Does it smell like fuel? I bet its just water. Highly doubt its anything to do with swapping a battery or ecu 'forgetting' itself
  10. Cold weather, condensation in a sooty exhaust etc. Wouldn't worry too much
  11. Loads of cars out there! Depends if you want it easy like starlets, parts and knowledge easy to come by. Or a bit extra work and research to get a car thats more unique
  12. Bear in mind also 8j wheels( i had rotas 8j et20) made the car drive like shit, felt slow and sluggish. Lighter smaller wherls changed it alot
  13. haha my glanza is probably a coke can by now. Forester facebook groups best place to find them
  14. Im not saying it wont cause it. Just saying because the car looks mint I may not have been repaired etc don't think that it is not prone to rust.
  15. That doesn't mean cars without repairs won't rust at all. Any car is prone to rust some more than others granted. But previous conditions in japan, location in the UK can all effect how a car rusts. Saying if it hasnt had a panel repair it wont rust is a bit naive. Just because you partners hasnt doesnt mean someone elses wont
  16. Not true, rust and rot is down to the treatement of metal used, exposure to salt content, protection against rust and effective draining etc.
  17. I thought mine was rust free until i took the skirts off when i broke it. Big hole in the sill
  18. I ran my fresh built engine in with minimal boost and pretty gentle, just using revs Lota of info on that on here, always differing opinions though Is it a fresh built standard engine new rings etc or forged build?
  19. Run a tf035 and a td04 at max boost before fuel cut on standard ecu with complete standard fuelling. No issues
  20. Struggle with et0 on a glanza
  21. Most likely a sensor fault if its flickering. Whats the standard oil pressure light doing?
  22. I had no issue with my jperformance, sames as japspeed I think. Exhaust fitment can be affected by downpipe, manifold etc too
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