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Everything posted by Ollieh17

  1. Older cars werent really meant to run on fully synthetic. Some oil can seep past seals
  2. Also wondering this? I had mine measured by a competent engine shop and bought bearings to suit( albeit different car). Id rather someone experienced measure it then do it myself.
  3. Not much complicated that goes wrong on these. Normally the obvious things
  4. Been covered a million times on here. Search it
  5. Check wires to the coil. Mine did this and there was a break in the wire to the coil that was earthing intermittently
  6. Doesnt seem like a very feasible project if you haven't even though of hubs and shafts. Can't imagine theres alot of info around. One of those projects people just crack on with and deal witg as they go along
  7. Theres always a chance of fitment issues with a kit that isn't made on the car tbf. There can be sligh differences in cars even factory built. Especially over 20 years
  8. Bit of cardboard and spare oil in the boot. Only way to 'stop' a starket leaking oil
  9. The 3bar map sensor needs to be plugged into a vac port.nothing needs to be removed or unplugged. Missing what you are confused about
  10. Ah okay, yeh should plug right in. I assume the company didnt know it was that simple
  11. Well then you have a wiring issue
  12. Well yeh, not strange as its a piggyback. The standard ecu still needs to do its job as normal
  13. Is the ecu wired into the field harness? As above i would try and avoid teeing off the map sensor. Just put a hose to a spare vac port
  14. I dont get why people want to swap engines but not move away from the chassis? Thats the biggest issue with them.
  15. Wouldn't need to go much faster than 120 in one of them. 130 in a starlet was awful. Can get a cb80 to rev to 9k pretty comfortably
  16. Go cb80 mate! Gearbos is main thing holding it back
  17. Im sure the yrv is slightly different, low conmpression etc. Maybe differences inside also like starlets and glanzas
  18. Yup, did it on my charade as lost the keys. Starlets basically the same
  19. Probs not the best thing to ask on a public forum though lol
  20. Come off pretty easy. Flat head screwdriver or something like that and a hammer and turn them round
  21. Ollieh17

    Smoking issue

    Doesn't take alot of oil to make alot of smoke. Its the internet too, people exaggerate, twist and withhold info lol. With that logic, why would coolant burning fill the mirror coasting and not booting it? Surely more would be burnt on boost
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