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Everything posted by JAG

  1. Sexy lookin green machines lads! ;) That late spec'd rep looks pretty awesome must say! It boosted? Liam u need some carbon skirts man... Or maybe carbon wrapped? Would look sweet as! Also do i spy Dubs monster sportif in the background to? ;)
  2. Thats because your pro mate Yay for MJ!
  3. Gay! Spose saving for a house is expensive tho
  4. Man this build is going so fast! Nice work mate, cars looking damb fine, keep it up!
  5. Savage! Finally got it all on there then! Cant wait to see what its going to be like when its mapped! see you soon dudey!
  6. Im pretty sure Mikey Jay's not cumin? Unless he's hoping in with someone else? Although he does have Buff Dans old starlet so drop him a PM n find out oh mighty organiser! *Edit* Also just thought might wanna find out about chantelle and curt? As both the starbos have gone but curts still got his civic if im not mistaken? So might free up a space maybe?
  7. JAG

    To Jae!

    Same as above Ky mate! Where u meeting us? 2,3,4?
  8. JAG

    To Jae!

    Where u gonna meet us then mate? Bluewater, Brook Street, or the services on the M11? Just so we know who were waiting around for when we get to each stop etc All weekend long mate! The simple answer is scrap her birthday plans n bring her with u! It will be a birthday she'll never forget! haha
  9. JAG

    To Jae!

    1) JAG (Possibly +1?) - V (1) 2) SiCaln - V (2) Ammended for you sir
  10. JAG

    To Jae!

    Right boys and girls its that time of year again JAE time! So copy and paste from last year as that worked out sweet But with slight alteration! We'll be travelling up on Friday 10th Regarding route, we'll be heading up the M11, and my route planner puts it at about 2 hours from Bluewater. (1) Maidstone based members or anyone coming from further a field than that are to meet at Bluebell Hill Shell (northbound) at 6:15am (2) Next stop Bluewater to pick up senior SiCaln and anyone else wanting to meet from that way (house of fraser car park on the first level) at 6:45am (3) We'll be me
  11. Fail... Should at least park your car on the UKSC stand to make up numbers!
  12. I'll upload some more in a little I've got a little collection of ones still to go up! Hopefully this time photobucket wont screw up this time....
  13. Nicey Stuff gettin it done for October though... get it done for JAE!
  14. "Photobucket is gay" Check the single link in the post i made above the images are definatly there n havnt been moved as the direct link is working... Crazy rubbish
  15. WTF this is retarded! I posted the IMG link on the post just above as well as the Direct link and their both straight from photobucket and the direct link works fine but the IMG is being gay and wont show? Anyone else had this problem with photobucket recently?
  16. Same, photobuckets being gay... Bare with me *Just testing something* http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b279/jag...10/_MG_8811.jpg
  17. My camera mysteriously fixed itself after being broken for a year and jessops quoting me £175 to fix it... Yay Pictures! *Or not... Photobucket seems to be being gay and wont display the images using the IMG link.... I'll give it a day n upload it elseware if it still doesn't show up* This is the link to the album
  18. JAG


    @Aaron I'll be at work til like 11.30/12 2mz mate, but if u wana get some people out il bring my camera out after work for a bit of a photoshoot. @ Scott U cumin JAE mate?
  19. JAG


    My fucking camera is working! After jessops said its going to need £175 worth of parts and a year of not turning it on I tried it again, just about to buy a camera off egay and it worked! So to celebratery starlet meet and picture all round! Drop me a text on 07502458558 if your interested JAG x
  20. JAG


    Just make you don't go top sleep when you get home n we'll come up to you
  21. JAG


    @ Rob Theres no way im not gonna miss out on JAE obviously! @ Ollie Literally the only day off are a few thursday nights its rediculous! But il sort a daytime one on a saturday after JAE if i can then maybe we can drag it out all night as well
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