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Everything posted by Hou

  1. And the Initial D soundtrack
  2. Hou

    JAE newbie

    I think I will bring a spare chair then. Might bring a bucket or paddling pool for beers I don't know if I can be bothered with nerf again
  3. Directly on your chest it is (and you know I will)
  4. Looks like we have a new toilet then
  5. Hou

    JAE newbie

    Just spit on it first! When should we reveal their initiation
  6. Hou

    JAE newbie

    Also a good idea to bring: Painkillers/Allergy things Toilet rolls as always good to have spare Torch Suncream (I wish I had some at JF2) Bottles of water for in the night etc
  7. If they don't fit there will be a reason. Increasing the size of the hole and risking play in what is arguably the most important part of the car can never be sensible
  8. Hou

    JAE newbie

    Yeah, make sure you grab me at JAE and that goes for everyone
  9. Hou

    JAE newbie

    Should have come and joined in the chat. I spent the day half asleep so I might not have remembered anyway
  10. Hou

    JAE newbie

    If you need to get a kettle on I am sure someone will help or just come find me, I don't mind sharing. We are a decent bunch and everyone has to come to their first JAE, I've been going since 2004!!
  11. And I might shit in your tent....
  12. Hou

    JAE newbie

    You are more or less there. Most people take an air bed too. Take a mug for brews if you drink tea as someone will always have a kettle on the go and might share tea bags. I usually take more stuff than I need but better to be prepared Foodwise, there is usually something open early until late, the noodles used to be epic, but have gone downhill last couple of years but there will be something decent to eat. Bring plenty of snacks and crap to munch on Drinks wise, they advise against glass bottles for beer but you can get away with spirits.
  13. Some epic suggestions and some that will make me want to smash up the speaker with a hammer! House every weekend can fuck off, just from reading it I have it in my head
  14. Black only or any other colours Rob?
  15. Great quality and comfortable, sat in my hoodie now on the sofa!
  16. I took about 600 pics, and ended up with about 50 usable ones https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1016064018428470.1073741831.341873632514182&type=1
  17. Haha, I totally forgot about that! Poor Jack didn't even get a look in
  18. What did TD have to say? Your Mrs came looking for you so I sent her over to keep you calm
  19. How's the clutch and your conversation with TD
  20. Why not become a scene kid and stitch it with some coloured tie wraps...... Bad news on the bump though
  21. Just wait until JAE, you will realise how incestuous this family is muhahahah
  22. I think end of August was the cut off but don't quote me on that!
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