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Everything posted by durmz

  1. WOW! http://hondacars.kamikaze-drive.com/NSX005.htm that is just...sex
  2. lol, wow, it seems to be the same name as ure profile name, what a surpwwwiiisee haha
  3. not like he's running a flamer kit, give the guy a break, its all kool when rally cars and f1 cars are spitting flames but when its out the back of a starlet he's a chavvy little twat, who cares so much. when socks posts his videos of the glanza popping a flame through the gears everyone says it looks the bollocks, why give this guy a hard time?
  4. was gonna reply to this yesterday but was only on iphone. basically what made me think its a hybrid is a the larger intake wheel, and b, speedvision sells it labelled as a hybrid, says brand new seals etc, larger intake, ported wastegate. so if it is the same exact unit, then it is a hybrid. The thing is its like anything, Im sure you get what you pay for, but if it is the speedvision unit, then they have been tried and tested, im sure its no tong turbo, but if it pulled me for a year ide be happy, spend so much time looking for fucked second hand ct9's you end up wasting your time and mone
  5. It was 20'000 and the mint offers to buy them back for 50 quid a piece, although you could flog them for a few hundred at the time, but tbh im pretty sure theres not many left circulating between the mint buying them back and recycling them and collectors sticking them in a case
  6. It was 20'000 and the mint offers to buy them back for 50 quid a piece, although you could flog them for a few hundred at the time, but tbh im pretty sure theres not many left circulating between the mint buying them back and recycling them and collectors sticking them in a case
  7. yeah man, would be interesting to find out. as I know a few of the irish guys tested out the spec 2 speedvision hybrid and ran them hard for a good few months and had zero problems and good reviews, and these look spot fucking dog exactly the same. I might risk it for a biscuit, I think ive bought yet another shit ct9, thisl be my third in 6 months, kinda makes you think what the fuck are you doing, buy a re conned unit lol, im just tight as arseholes
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Toyota-Starlet-EP82-...=item2eaf873592 not sur if this is the right section. is anyone using one of these? it looks identical to a speedvision spec 2 hybrid, which are supposed to be getting decent results, but is it? or is it cheap shiat? please no speculating, if your using one or know someone that is/has...please..inform me this is the genuine spec 2 speedvision hybrid
  9. reallly??? like....really?? lol isit? lol....because im far from impressed lol easy to do in ure living room eh lol
  10. lols..just kidding, well done
  11. its no big deal, just looks silly with the blue smokey lol, keep the oil topped up and ule make it to jae and back easy peasy
  12. looks pretty bad ass chesh. still not recieved that sensor, dno why
  13. imo theyve just been relatively lucky, ide eat my hat if the saw it through for a whole year. the quality of the metal is still the same, they wont last a year which imo is ridiculous
  14. well put. also j performance are exactly the same thing man, alot of people buy them because there branded and they make ok exhausts and coolers. well the mani still sucks big fat cock
  15. Looks that way. I wouldnt even bother putting it on if i was you, cheap, stainless, will last weeks at most probably, not worth the effort of changing it again at a later datw
  16. Not really, only thing pre intercooler is the turbo, its the only place oil can get into the air flow
  17. Looks like j performance to me but could be wrong. Toy tuning went down ages ago so that mani probs wouldnt be in that good condition
  18. you love me man. awesome car, needs a good polish up though as said. also I know youve moved the stickers anyways, but just to add, if you had kept them there ude have probably just got given a 7 day wonder by old bill to take em out, shit like that on ze windscreen ent looked upon lightly lol
  19. some funny videos, looks like so much fun lol
  20. if ule be tracking it alot Ide get som gauge action with warning lights going on. its a shame this has happened dude but its why ive resisted tracking mine yet, I know im a bit of a pussy lol
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