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Everything posted by durmz

  1. a darrian t90 gtr. fucking rapid rally car
  2. thats some fucking funny fucking fuck fuck fucking shit hahaha
  3. I know nothing about poker, and im shit at it. but, just as an outside observation, surely if you was any good, you wouldnt need sponsership? get bang on the tournaments and if ure good ule win money and be able to afford big tourneys
  4. wow, if you thought it was real you earn the fail of the year award jesus. next theyl be a vid up of pigs flying and everyone will be like OMFG CHECK THIS PIG FLYING!!!
  5. lol was a proper funny weekend, awesome car sean tom
  6. Why would the cambelt be coming off luk_ep, talking about the crank seal behind the fly wheel?
  7. Everything does point towards crank seal. Like luk ep said, get dat box off yo!
  8. forum name; durmz real name; tom xbox live; durmz100
  9. wont happen its bullshit, its like setting a curfew they can suck my lemon
  10. lol i take anything thats free haha. yea it can all be fixed but with how much money? and im not talking about there being problems, thats just normal starlet stuff. im just bored with it I think
  11. thing is it would be a nightmare to return standard, its missing boot plastics, running coilovers, different manifolf, decat, exhaust, ported head, all the big stuff has been modded, gearbox has an lsd, ide never get me money back going standard I dont think. fucking cars! ive honestly had enough of it now, bored of bad handling, boost creep, no stereo, shit brakes. NEXT lol
  12. im thinking of breaking, it wouldnt be worth me selling as the paint work is in fairly bad order, need a bit of tlc and ide just get fuck all for it, but with all the mods, ive stacked up that i could get around 3 grand or bit more if lucky, if i broke it. but, I cant break it if its gonna take 6 months and im gonna have starlet parts hanging out me fucking ears for years on end. with reasonable prices, does it all sell? or do you find yourself with windows and looms and all the poxy bits in your garage until the end of time?
  13. well there you go, I honestly thought it would cost alot more than that. zip.
  14. the thing is you have to want it, its worth that all day long with the amount of work that goes into it
  15. i wont be up next week, busy, but maybe another time, checked ktls build thread, defo not him, not using a black scoop or toms bumper
  16. got mine out of halfords yep, and on my car i have the same ones on mid pipe and back box....
  17. it was a white gt with a toms front bumper, it farkin shifted
  18. Ive got a commercial license, night rating and instrument rating and uk rt rating. you need any help understanding anything or flight techniques let me know thinking about doing an instructor rating aswell due to lack of airline jobs available atm
  19. Was down there with gaz and pearless, got a ride in the pp vtak! Was some quick cars down there, the ka and white starlet were moving! See a gt with bronze wheels, presume that was gtr 33?? And no the white gt didnt have a black bonnet
  20. Just to add on this, This thread pops up all the time, once by myself, and its happened again since, without me touching a thing, why does this happen at all?
  21. How many wires go to the switch? If two, it most likely work by making a circuit when the button raises, if so, you could probably short the switch out and solder the two wires together, bosh. However, raising the bonnet is gash, doesnt do fuck all and looks chavtastic, i tried it, then ce to my senses lol
  22. LOL, yes! yes it will haha. if you need a err....special one, message me, think £90
  23. all they do is let out boost, depends how anal you are, ide want me moneys back, but thats me. also, I had a turbo with a crack that went into the housing much like a few of yours, i had it back off 6 months later, had a look, and pieces had broken off the wastegate, was fuuuurked lol
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