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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Will keep my eye out for another thats been on there for quite some time
  2. http://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/auction/SIG=12bs87k94/EXP=1348916259;_ylt=A7dPdCSigmVQ8j4AxhZAPDh8;_ylu=X3oDMTBiZGdzYWtnBHZ0aWQDanBjMDAz/*-http%3A//page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u42673620
  3. http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w78940617
  4. TBH Rob i've always used exeddy paddles and i know Dave always used to swear by them never had any trouble driving with one. One of my mates fitted one and it felt terrible compared to mine i was convinced it wasn't the clutch so taked him into a new slave cylinder and the difference was like night and day! I think sometimes people blame the clutch itself when other parts of the system are getting past there best these are old cars now.
  5. HRF: Soda factory 82? Wild: Bodywork: Cabrio:
  6. At the end of the day all the people that put the effort into UKSC are here
  7. Soda Factory car: Even starlets have had Lambo doors and twin lights:
  8. Right lots of pics collated from years before some people will have seen most but there are some new member that will not.. This is not real: Some pics of a meet years ago somewhere warm: Mc_Chu's car:
  9. Glad this has happened means i'm back with the old user name (I was zebedee for a while on the old board and it's a long story). Will have to get on an start that promised build thread i guess..
  10. www.tegiwaimports.com You name it they have copied it apart from the shiny washers they sell most of the products they buy someone else's that has done all the hard work and get it copied oftem lower quality but cheaper they have copied most of the password JDM stuff from the states but when you see them side by side you and see and feel the quality difference.
  11. Might be woth asking Tegiwa nicely see if they would sell you one.... Na paint looks too good for one of there's
  12. Spotted this the other day and it's not complete it's missing the red spopper that pushes against the master cylinder. I asked the seller if it came with it and have had no response so if your bidding just be careful: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200724838986?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  13. Down near Sleaford mate but willing to meet up could come over to Louth? Simon
  14. Item Condition Used passenger side was painted last year but has had the side indentation smoothed. They do need a clean should get this done this weekend Price and price conditions £50 the pair collected Meeting up might be possible depending on location Extra Info These are the standard glanza wings with no holes for indicators Pictures Contact Details P.m. or post below Location Lincolnshire
  15. Agree with Dan same colour as the bottom half of the car
  16. Tbh mate i was swaying towards the Lambo
  17. I've just changed jobs and as i'd been with my last company quite some time they very kindly had a whip round and brought me a driving experience at Silverstone. I really don't know what to choose as there is 10 differnt events but i can only do one i have dismissed a few but would like to see what other people think. Oh and it doesn't detail what the cars are... 1 Aston Martin 2 Audi R8 3 Ferrari 4 Lamborghini 5 Lotus 6 Off road 7 Rage buggies for two 8 Rally 9 Single seater 10 Skid contol I'm not really into the R8 A mate has a lotus and i've been lucky enough to drive that Also go off roa
  18. I looked into them a while back and although very nice they don't have the go to match the drinking habit they have
  19. Looks very much like the front end from a starlet in the back, when you look at the underside pic you can see the wishbones arb even the steering links that they mush have locked to the body somehow.
  20. I would always offer paypal as a payment option as it's so popular now you can't really get away from it but the saving of 2% is a good idea mate if people pay on a credit card they should be protected anyways
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