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Everything posted by whitestar

  1. And that launch wasn't the best tbh Should have shifted to 2nd sooner. And actually your start is a bit rolling, my is stand still.
  2. Here's a vid of mine going. https://vimeo.com/67005187 I remember easing out when the speedo was around 120kph, on 3rd gear (I shift to 3rd around 100kph when boosting like that ). So I think it's around the same as yours was?
  3. I asked JayJ if we could try swapping our JAM ecus so I could go for a test drive with it. He's actually my only hope as I don't know of any other JAM ecus in finland. One thing that might be behind these low power figures on dyno could be the dyno itself or the guy operating it. The car was dynoed in a local university....
  4. The JAM ecu makes it run stupidly rich when boostin full boost on higher speeds, might even show 10.0 AFR on my AEM. Here's the dyno graph: Might it be the way too rich mixture? Should I try lowering the boost to 0.65 and test it with stock ecu or could it just be the mani? Any other suggestions? Oh right and the mani is ported for sure, I had it ported myself.
  5. What's the best power you guys have managed to get on ported OEM manifold? I've got almost all the required supporting mods for the 200hp setup, but my manifold is a stock one, only ported. I got 155hp on the fly and I'm thinking it might be the manifold that restricts the setup too much... I have: CT9 @ 1bar Ported OEM mani JAM ecu decat Fujitsubo catback Apexi filter Iridium plugs and ultra leads FMIC
  6. Thanks all of you! It's from RAL colour system, 6027. Looks more blue or green depending on light.
  7. Two more from the dyno! https://vimeo.com/67394766 https://vimeo.com/67405580
  8. Yeah so I've heard. Well, I'll sort it out somehow. Heres one vid more, we're adjusting the dyno but the chatter can be heard really well. https://vimeo.com/67405580
  9. Ill put on another vid of the dyno session soon. Love the sounds too! I was going to leave the EFI pipe out but I had no choise as I wanted to use my apexi filter. I can't front mount it as I want to keep my AC. If I upgrade my turbo I will sort it out. The manifold might be one of the biggest issues I have right now as it's only a ported stock one... I get wheel spin on the 3rd on wet but it grips well in 2nd on dry, unless steering at the same time. I want OEM LSD box but getting one over here to finland seems quite expensive. Maybe I'll have to take a road trip to next years japfest wit
  10. Thanks! Yeah you're right, and I think it drives well. Tbh, I don't get how you guys with 200+ hp manage to get any traction as even mine has major trouble on first gear. I have to learn how to take a quick takeoff. Got some street cred the other day from bmw X5 driver and hyundai suv driver when I was boosting on a motor way. Both gave me thumbs up lol.
  11. Big words mate! That's awesome, thanks so much. I'll PM the code for you.
  12. Yeah I will! Here's a video and few photos from the session. https://vimeo.com/67394766
  13. Yay! She's dynoed! The report is in finnish sorry about that but I guess you can figure out which means what. First I was a bit disappointed as I expected more like 170-180hp but after thinking how fast it feels now and the fact that I can still get like 40-50hp more with the stock internals... NEEDS MOAR POWER. 190Nm of torque is quite pleasing though. Full boost kicks in around 2500rpm and holds really nice and steady until the end. Torque peaks around 5k and power around 6500rpm. I guess the ported stock mani restricts the setup most, so I'll be getting a new manifold an
  14. Oooh, I wanted the super advans too! Are they 16"? I'd love them in polished finish and 16". Actually made a mockup in photoshop with my car some time ago.
  15. Just a quick one. This is from couple of weeks back when we had a photoshoot with my brother after the car was properly polished. http://vimeo.com/67005187
  16. Here's a quick video of my glanza. http://vimeo.com/67005187
  17. Thaaaanks! Yeah I put the first one to june potm and I think socks posted it to facebook the same day.
  18. Thank you! Been thinking of making the glanza stickers the same colour too for the sides and propably something more. We'll see! I'll post it in july potm competition then. ;)
  19. Got my car all polished up by a mate on saturday. Took a few photos and videos today. Here's a few of the photos. My brother is going to put the videos online some time soon, so I'll post them as soon they're ready.
  20. The wastegate spring is in the actuator, so it should affect your boost when you adjust the rod length. Wastegate is shut when it builds boost, so a worn spring wouldn't hold the boost. Seems like the problem is with AVCR then? If you shorten the HKS rod lenght it should hold more boos anyway, was the spring worn or not, I guess.
  21. I gave the lower nut a bit heat with a heat gun and that helped alot. Be careful though, don't spil fuel in the heat gun!
  22. Haven't desided yet. We'll be there around mid day on friday 12th and we'll be leaving on monday I guess. Tempted to try the track, it's just that I've been on track only once before. Hopefully we'll meet up there then! Let's drop a PM some time before the event and sort something out.
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