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Everything posted by wssoR

  1. Can't believe this, I hope the guy finds whoever did this and if he whatever he does to them he gets my 100% backing, if it was me I know exactly what I'd do. Fucking CUNTS!!!
  2. I did it really well on my n/a, heat the area that you'll be working on with a heat gun, make sure you heat it sufficiently though or the paint will crack, I then wrapped a tea towell round a hammer and bent the lip back, simple enough, came out really well too
  3. They pop up on eBay in auction format and sell really cheap aswell, might be worth waiting for one of them if your not in a rush to get it
  4. Mine rubbed on the left only, definately pushed It that way :S
  5. ^ your right but pretty sure it's the other way round and pushes the axel to the left, the panhard rod connects to the drivers side of the car and the passenger side of the axel, therefore pushes it to the left, not that it matters but I'm just being picky Car looks ace, needs more lows though
  6. More like 300 ish, but yeah most probz your seals
  7. I doubt turn 10 would specifically announce no starlets in the game, there too insignificant in America to even mention I doubt turn 10 would specifically announce no starlets in the game, there too insignificant in America to even mention
  8. I'll add you when I get home. JDM horr
  9. wssoR


    Technically every starlet has a 'stance', cause stance just means how something stands
  10. That looks pretty awesome actually, where did you find it, I've been looking for another gt
  11. he gets so close at points. Didnt realise how fast they went either
  12. youll need an adjustable panhard rod, rsr is the best one imo, rarb isnt essential but it does make a massive difference, and then youll need your alignent set up as it will no doubt be out after fiddling
  13. Your bay looks super tidy, should have some poke when its done
  14. Just had a quick flick through and this will look awesome. Gotta be honest though i think the zep spoiler looks wank, if we saw somthing like that on a corsa we'd all be the first to laugh regardless of wether its rare or not. Livesports would look much better imo
  15. Depending on what adjustable panhard rod you have you can adjust them whilst it's on and the car is on the floor, I've had a cusco and rsr one which both allow you to do this. It's a case of making small adjustments to get it lined up. As for them being 'pointless', there far from it, when the car is lowered the standard rod pushes the body of the car to the right, which therefore causes 'crabbing' which impairs handling. Hope that helps
  16. Any more ep85's that you've got hold of or got your eye on, preferably black?
  17. That's why you make your own receipt sort of thing where the buyer has to sign and write the date and time of purchase so that you have something to tale to court if needs be
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