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Everything posted by Michel_M

  1. It's not that weird steering with your left hand, most people in the world do that lol. It's just slightly better though steering with your right hand, but obviously when you're driving LHD you have the advantage of shifting with your 'good' hand and the pattern is better since 1st and 2nd gear are closest to you in stead of being the furthest away.
  2. No stickers, but wakabas. Look pretty cool on the car though.
  3. Lol, did you recover that car from the bottom of the ocean?
  4. Haha, didn't know the quality could be that terrible. Thanks for sharing anyway, will think twice now about buying cheap crap.
  5. Is that a factory standard color? Looks a bit like the weird greenish color you sometimes see on those Mazda 323F V6 models.
  6. Very cool episode! Can't imagine how fucked up it would be to stay at those altitudes for such a long time.
  7. I think that in Forza 3 you can choose any (standard) car that's in the game straightaway. Just go to Hot Lap or something and see if you can choose the R8.
  8. Well time for a little update: Finally installed my BOV last week, really happy with it. Been driving with the window slightly open ever since I mounted it. Think most of you know the distinctive sound of the SSQV, if not check this youtube movie --> Well this is what it looks like at the moment, installed breather filter too: Also yesterday I replaced the headlights with another set. They're not new, but they're definitely an improvement and they were lying here doing nothing anyway. Kinda crappy quality, but had to take the pics with my cell phone. ;) Before: After:
  9. Yea WoW is really good, only downside is that it will eventually take up soo much time, cause you'll always be wanting to get one more level, get one more item etc. untill you die of dehydration/no food/no sleep. Is good value though, cause you only have to pay 10 euros a month or something in stead of buying a new full game every month or so.
  10. Get Dragon Age Origins! I'm usually not really into RPGs and stuff, but ended up playing Dragon Age for quite a bit, really good game. That is untill MW2 came along.
  11. Here's some more nice sounding Porsches: Manthey Cayman S (nice quality video as well and a nice exhaust tune) http://www.abhd.nl/video/manthey-cayman-s/ Porsche GT3 with SharkWerks exhaust system ( )
  12. The glanza is probably better off this way.
  13. Starting to get a bit old now, but still pretty cool.
  14. Haha I remember that one, has some pretty hilarious moments in it.
  15. It's now -2 here in the south of the Netherlands, but that's relatively warm. Fitted my HKS SSQV yesterday, wanted to do a test run, went for a test run, EPIC FAIL. I could not rev higher then 2000 rpm no mather what, got the engine warmed up though so just revved it a couple of times stationary. Sounds really awesome! But where the hell is global warming when you need it?
  16. 3 weeks of holiday..aaahh Oh yeah and Merry Christmas everyone!
  17. White will probably give it a real JDM look, grey always looks nice imo. Not really a fan of gloss black on wheels, or a bright colour. And JESUS CHRIST THAT HYUNDAI IS FUGLY. ;)
  18. Hose clamps for fitting the BOV Garden Gloves for working on the car, so my hands don't get cold and covered in 10 year old shit. Some stuff for hanging a painting.
  19. Oh yeah by the way, for anyone who is interested in this type of music, there is actually a really awesome dutch internet station: Fear.FM ( http://harder.fear.fm/splash ). On the site you can choose 3 streams, Jump/Tek, Hardstyle or Hardcore. They actually are pretty good, they've been doing this for years now.
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