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Everything posted by Mart

  1. Hey Turbo Time. Thats a great job mate. Could you pm me the guy who did the refurbs number. This would be dead handy if I ever needed to get my K1 sorted in the future! Mart...
  2. Jeez Idrees, They look awesome man... Im well impressed...
  3. 5 secs is very short mate. It should be at leat around 1min30secs for normal driving and up to about 3 for harsh. 5secs isn't going to protect anything lad...
  4. Great news Phil. Keep us posted. ;) Mart...
  5. Looks great lad. I love the Blue/ Black combo... Great stuff. ;)
  6. Looking awesome as always Enzo. Hope you get the electricial prob sorted soon... ;)
  7. Dont know mate I never had one, But quoting from Tobys store: You could PM him for more info or ask Rick above?
  8. Thay look something like this lad. Not too sure how they sound on with the standard ct9 but you can see a load of vids on You-Tube. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v613/tob...gerScreamer.jpg
  9. What a Beast. We seriously need some more pics Rick...
  10. The Road Runner Manifold looks sweet mate. Well impressed there.... Mart.
  11. Thanks for the comments Phil and Sparky... Its what the Wheel-Nuts are going onto now Is the next question.... Haha but all will be revealed soon.
  12. Mart


    Welcome to the site. Hope you get back behind the wheel of a Starbo soon...
  13. Small Update. Picked up this recently thanks to Cornish Glanza. Should do the job nicely on Air/Fuel Controlling untill I can afford some proper engine management system in the near future. Will get this fitted during the week and let yee know how its goes. Thanks to Dave's part number's aswell I got some new Hub Bolts to replace the worn ones a tyre centre guy sheered off when changing over a flat tyre so these will be going on now soon aswell. Nightspirit sent me on some sweet Volk Racing Duralumin lightweight Lug Nuts in Red, great guy to deal with so thanks again for these bro...
  14. How much did you pay for it lad?
  15. Well Im running a K1 and I must admit I love it... But again as already said you could get a new Hybrid CT9 for around £599. Up to you mate to be honest...
  16. Ya mate, They Spool up very, very fast in early revs. These are getting real rare these days to find and as Riko said above, A bomb to get re-conditioned. I only know one or two people that have these...
  17. Dave your a star mate... Thanks very much. Mart...
  18. Cheers Tucka. Well appreciate it.... Mart...
  19. Awesome Sparks... Your car is looking great lad.
  20. You could have a read up on the WEPR GT25R turbo upgrade kit aswell lad. You can reach 260-280 depending on your fueling mods but everything is included in the kit... Spool time as far as I know isn't as quick as the TD04 but will see you to over 260 easily... Could be another option for you lad?
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