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Everything posted by glanzav98

  1. Google the name of the seller, he is the producer of the show. It also says this on the ad: "Please note that any potential buyer may be filmed for the television programme."
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1996-NISSAN-SKYLINE-R33-Drifting-LSD-Adjustable-Suspension-Intercooler-/261064846056?forcev4exp=true#ht_624wt_1270
  3. More parts here: http://www.supraforums.com.au/forum/general-car-chat/76217-fake-knock-off-parts-alert.html
  4. I just spotted this it might be of some use to you : http://www.bidjdm.com/bidding/auction/view/id/w67063053
  5. If its for an ep91 I used these: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/320930726183?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 They fit nice and tight and wont leave any water in.
  6. Rear strut: http://www.ukstarletclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=54974&hl=
  7. If its genuine it will have holes to mount it like the oem spoiler. Like this: http://www.rhdjapan.com/zep-racing-live-sports-rear-wing-ep91-51003
  8. ep91 optional armrest: http://www.bidjdm.com/bidding/auction/view/id/d133408561
  9. Thanks mate let me know if you find one. Now where are these juicy bits you speak of?
  10. I asked him already and he doesn't have one. I got the Live Sports splitter off him last week so I now have genuine front splitter, sideskirts and rear lip so I just want the genuine spoiler to finish it off. I will keep searching one will turn up eventually
  11. As above im only looking for a genuine one, thanks.
  12. Take out a bulb and measure the base of it then look at the sizes below to see what you need. Then go to this link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=Neo+Wedge+LED+white&_sacat=0&_odkw=Neo+Wedge+LED+bulbs&_osacat=0 T3 - 8mm Base diameter T4 - 10mm Base diameter T5 - 12mm Base diameter
  13. As above let me know if anybody has one for sale, thanks.
  14. TOM's Grille: />http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TOMs-Grille-for-Toyota-Starlet-GT-Turbo-EP82-Rare-/300726112901?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4604ac5285#ht_500wt_939
  15. TRD carbon clock surround, he also has some other nice bits for sale. />http://cars.donedeal.ie/for-sale/carextras/3302824
  16. I did a quick Google search and found this http://www.k-s-s.jp/ If you use Google translate you will probably find out more.
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