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Everything posted by Ryno

  1. they don't have to be new ...or clean
  2. errrmm....not too sure on any others, you tried ebay for the rubbers?
  3. totally bud, not having a digg! as i said we can all do what the hell we like to our starbos! just wanted to point out that there are other means and ways without jumping on the perminant bangwagon!
  4. if you glanza guys want a smoked effect on the rears why not streach some tights over them like Matt off tgtt. has done! that way if in a few weeks if you decide against it you can take them off with ease. or if you get stopped by the police/need reflector for MOT you can just ladder them and go buy some new tights!
  5. any motorfactors should sell them, might be racked at the bottem where all the wipers are, it's like a small plastic attachment about 2" long, but honestly it looks shocking compaired to the originals! not sure how much the whole arm would cost from toyota! why do you need to change them? you can just buy the small rubber inserts for a few quid from toyota and if you arms are a bit rusty then rub them down and give them a spray! or if your too lazy so spray, have a word with Jay on tgtt. he might be able so sort you out with some ones in decent nick! i brought some bosch ones for my GT but
  6. i don't like them, but it's your car!
  7. bosch do a 'Jap' extention that you'd need to buy aswell to fit them, but to be honest it looks crap, best of just buying replacement rubbers from toyota, or if you really need the whole arms then get the toyota ones from them too!
  8. then your a fool! it's a tech. bible and full of traders/parts!
  9. just gonna leave x2 black line up and down James road every night until his neighbors complain and slap an asbo on him and his GT! still keep getting followed thanks to you, manracer!
  10. just look like this O--------C but mine have been rubbing on the b'lines so i'm gonna be getting some braided badboys when i can afford them!
  11. gotta admit though, Compromising preformance for style is a bit chav....cutting springs to lower your car, subs-amps-speakers that add weight, carbonfiber stickers instead of the real thing, maxed fiberglass body kits that add weight and distroy aerodynamics, huge exhaust exits that will give no gain but more then likely de-crease preformance....... . .
  12. LOL looks like a straw going into a flat bakedbean can! personally i'd say that looks shit on any car, but at the end of the day it's your car and money you've worked hard for!
  13. depends how you drive mainly! but yeah my bro's got a 350bhp GTi-R and my fuel costs are significantly lower then his, also i think GT's look better! best thing is the GT's come std with a Hi/Lo boost switch so you can save a few pennys there and switch to hi boost when you need it! if you like that kinda thing
  14. if they ban tints i might become a Hitman, would make a killing
  15. carwashs are really bad for the paint work mate! horrid things! would rather pay some guy in a carpark £5 to do it by hand then take it through one! if you do go through one then make sure to wash off the mud caked on the inside of the arch! it's that stuff that does the real damage! of course there's no better way to know you've got it all off then to do it your self!
  16. thats how you get that nasty Salt off them that causes rust! don't forget to clean under your arches kiddys!
  17. gonna clean mine tomorrow if it's sunny! they can shove their hose-pipe ban
  18. havn't read the topics but to be honest i don't see it happening because a. it would distroy an industry and put thousends out of the job b. it would leave the tax man way out of pocket and c. insurance comps. make so much extra cash for the gov. out of them and there not gonna let that go!
  19. smells like bullshit to me! but in surrey they are dropping the trigger limit on the cameras by about 5mph! still you'll have to be doing about 37 insted of 42 to get flashed in a 30mph in surrey!
  20. Ryno


    can't be assed to re-size but you get the jist!
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