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Everything posted by Ryno

  1. heavy duty velcro, there's a nak to doing it though!
  2. well i'm after a set of 3G Disks and some Endless pads, as far as i've seen Envy is the best company to get them from! check out their bit in the traders section of TGTT.com
  3. voted! but i'm not gonna say who for!
  4. been meaning to do mine for a while now! but there's always some other little thing that pops up during the weekend so i don't get a chance!
  5. had mine for ages! Clicky they do them for both 82 and 91! Plus Nomad are great people to deal with!
  6. had the same CD's in there for about 5 months! mixture of both!
  7. Ryno


    here's mine on my GT (from Nomad)
  8. thought this post was going to start with....."Get a Turbo"
  9. there any common problems with these? mine worked, then started not accepting discs 7-9 now it appears it dosn't want to read any discs and just flashes up an error msg on the headunit or can anyone recommend a place that could take a look at it! Cheers Ryan
  10. it's prob being caused because your getting boost creep and creeping all the way up to fuel cut. it creeps slowly up eg. 7psi....8...9..10.11.12 CUT CUT CUT [Toby]theory is that the wastegate simply cant rid the boost (hole to small, flap buggered) therefore instead of controlling the boost and flowing it out the exhaust once the desired amount of boost has been found, some is left behind causing creep[/Toby] guy called Petbeemer on TGTT.com can mod your wastegate and manifold to stop the creep, think he charges about £30
  11. says you posted it at 3:16am
  12. would rather not have my car in Shit mag only chav-skum think is good, would find it insulting just going to a show with more fiberglass then braincells and cars is not spelt with a 'z'. thanks for the invite though!
  13. Bat motorsport Nova i belive, owned by a guy called Ian IIRC, shamefully that car was around back when people belived kits were cool! nice colour though
  14. sorry if this is a dumb question but what are winter wheels? surly you only need a decent set of tyres for the winter, unless your a really crap driver and curb your car every week!
  15. *Spit* wouldn't even put them on a cheap car let alone have them touch my starlet hubs!!! they've probably been made from recycled coke cans and wrapped in tinfoil
  16. least she's away from our nasty salty winter roads!
  17. My GT Bro's Pulsar Mums Convertable Beemer (with cream leather int.) Dads Shogun Sister in laws fiesta
  18. yeah anyone got a Apexi Power Intake they want to swap for my Blitz sus?
  19. i've got a custom wepr de-cat system on mine and i'm over the moon with the quality, preformance and sound! if you go on tgtt.com you be able to read all the reviews/opinions on them too! guys name is Sasha/WickedEP
  20. hope they come in time for Japshow at SantaPod
  21. nothing a little bit of t-cut won't sort out! hope no one was hurt! how did they manage a head-on into a lamppost?
  22. i didn't go in the end! remembered the last one i want to wasn't all that & so i saved the cash for santapod!
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