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Everything posted by *Zoe*

  1. ha ha you guys...i'll get some more up of my cousin later you seemed to like her lol
  2. Paid for me and passenger just now Cant wait for this one not been before
  3. i think the same thing sometimes, wanted to quit my job a few months ago and go back to college to do mechanics ...but then realised i would e put in a class of 16yr's and decided i couldnt handle it so looking into night courses. They do them if they get enough people for a course to run, and cost between 200 - 350 quid depending on what you do and how long it takes. but i always got told if you like something never do it for job because you loose your passion and it just becomes 'what pays the bills' hence why i no work in food! and one day will do the courses just so i can work on my own c
  4. Saw Law Abiding Citizen last night and it was amazing! really unexpected and a bit shocking in parts but really cleaver would recommend this!
  5. ^^ ha ha second ideas a good one lol just thought of this, you can get a siron thing for your garden that you put on the ground and we cant hear it but cats hate it! it just works within a so meny yards i think so you could place it near your car maybe??
  6. 1) ro55ifumi x 1 booked 12:40 session 2) LukeSR +1 3) rob_bower & mrsb 4) Amjad (Paid) 5) Josheyboy006 +1 6) tkdellis 7)*Zoe* Lew777
  7. 1) ro55ifumi x 1 booked 12:40 session 2) LukeSR +1 3) rob_bower & mrsb 4) Amjad (Paid) 5) Josheyboy006 +1 6) tkdellis 7)*Zoe* Was a good show last year wondering around in the sun, i wont make Socks come pick me up at 4am this time tho
  8. maybe talk to him then throught water on the cat..its his fault for making his cat a fatty
  9. Dont think i will be coming now not having much luck swapping my shift at work
  10. ha ha at the Ausie, i think the water guns a good idea but what is the guy whos cat it is see's you doing it ?? could be pretty pissed
  11. i still might come along to this but wont be on the rollers cars still not right
  12. i'll be paying next week but it will be for 2 tickets ... Could someone add +1 next to my name please
  13. Yeah trading standards would get involved but like luke said, its a bit further down the line, when they get wind of it they will be all over tesco and the supplier of the veg doing spot checks on the plant and basically make there lives hell for a bit (i have been through this and its not nice for the supplier) But this process basically means tesco will bend over backwards to keep you sweet before it gets to that. Maybe mention in the letter that you have spoken to ...(what ever your bosses title is) as a family friend and has taken his advise to contact them, like i said before mentioning
  14. I've ran out twice now only once in the starlet tho. no funny story just me being an idiot and thinking i would make it to the petrol station i was only about a mile away and wouldnt of broke down at all if the one near my work wasnt closed that day but a mate bailed me out and brought me petrol. First time it was about a week after i past my test and it was on the side of the motor way, just stopped and waited for my mums mate to come rescue me and had a picnic on one of those police mound things was alright.
  15. lol exactly the wholes are right at the back of the engine bay, cant see it having any effect tbh but bet they would be easy to plug up depends how DIY you want to go lol
  16. dont need to block them but you can if you want to. socket set and the belts all you need pretty much ...and a jack handle if you do it the way i did mine lol
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