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Everything posted by *Zoe*

  1. i work with in a food company and actually sell into tesco as one of our big accounts, they will have a field day with this. Firstly you are well within your rights! you need to right a letter to the address on the back of the bag, should be tesco HQ in Cheshunt (if you cant find it let me now i have it as i send stuff there all the time) mention you have kept the snail and will post it once it is required, but hang on to it till then, and the bag you got it out of as it will have a 'lot' number which relates to which batch it was produced in and will speed up your claim and tracking process
  2. Welcome ! Keighley!? this is good i never see good cars there and everyone stares at me like I've just ran over there dog or something
  3. hope to see you at some shows then this year ...atleast JAE gives you plenty of time!
  4. hmmm were can you get tho sticker books from ??
  5. ooo nice! this is coming together quickly and well!
  6. *Zoe*

    UKSC stand

    26th/27th May, i missed last years but id be up for this
  7. if its as cold as last year you've got no hope!
  8. lol you and fiesta's looking good tho going to be a good run around when its done
  9. *Zoe*


    thanks for the tips guys i'll start trying to up it a bit
  10. I do love this shape! You got a good one here to, keep up the good work !
  11. *Zoe*


    Suprised no girls have comented on this...does no other girls on here go to the gym? I dont do the shakes and stuff but i work on muscel and core alot, with some cardio. i go between 3 - 5 times a week and always swim after to loosen up. i used to go a lot more and was at my peek about 6 months ago, now im only lifting half the weights i used to but building up slowly. i never no when to change it up tho, working to get back were i was, how often should i up my weights?
  12. Looking good so far keep my eye on this one
  13. That's ace ....roll on the next fancy dress event think i might have an outfit lol!
  14. black i think, only ever seen it on the cctv so pretty dark :s
  15. oh dear your not having a good time of it! Atleast you've got help on the way lol
  16. Hey, Keep seeing a black quad eye out side my mums, every time it pulls up she opens the door and thinks its me lol on the west marsh in grimsby
  17. in terms of your account protection your fine, but unless it is over a certain amount you have no cover. As people have said on here only do it if you no the person and trust them. i used to work at a bank and deal with fruad and claims a lot, you'll be suprise what people can get away with so its just not worth it sometimes
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