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Everything posted by Weyro

  1. anyone want a Glanza? Ill be making a for sale thread tomorrow
  2. nice, im hoping to find a completely standard unabused one, then put it on coilovers, and thats it, reliability will be my main goal lol
  3. Awesome, yea ill need to get a test drive or find someone willing to take me out. Id probably get a UKDM as its got the brakes and stuff that the 98spec has, but its alot cheaper. I do like the JDM looks but id only have around 4k to spend.
  4. thanks for the replies, im just thinking that in terms of track potential the Teg is a better starting point. Which version did you have Ryan? 96/98jdm or ukdm? Personally i think my V is too nice to strip and make into a track car, its got the lovely flocked interior and nearly mint paint. Would rather see it looked after.
  5. Wondering if anyone has went from a Glanza to a DC2 and can let me know what one is like. How would a DC2 compare to a TD04'd V at 1bar, in terms of straightline? I plan on starting doing trackdays, and dont want to ruin the Glanza, so im thinking about selling up and buying either a 96 spec JDM or a UKDM. Any advice? apart from dont do it haha
  6. aw ok never knew thats how they did it, thanks! ill give him a pm cheers
  7. That's exactly what I do lol
  8. my car does on on fuel, went to japfest and back on £120, but its the same, sometimes the needle barely moves, then it drops, and my light has never come on, no matter how low it gets
  9. Sorry if its been done to death, but id just like peoples opinions on this. As far as i can tell, flywheel hp is almost impossible to calculate accurately. Its my understanding that when a car is put on a dyno, like an inertia dyno. It measures the rate that the wheels can accelerate a certain weight. Then from this, torque is calculated, and then horsepower at the wheels. To then find the flywheel horsepower do they take into account gear ratios of the certain car. Or just use a base value for "loss" like 20%. Surely every car is different?
  10. just thought id bump this up, got about 10-15 people going
  11. thats the speed limiter, you need to get a speedo converter to change the clocks in mph
  12. Absolutely awesome, the speed you catch up with the people infront when u started nailing it was unreal! haha its a mazda mx6
  13. absolutely loved this, as you can tell by my reaction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=___9J29LeH0&feature=youtu.be
  14. Sitting in Strensham Services, think I'm a wee bit early
  15. OK cool, yea that sounds like a good plan, i think we are lol, where do you want to meet up?
  16. im off on friday, so my plan is to stay up all thursday night and go to bed around 10am friday, then sleep as long as possible, then leave at 11pm friday night
  17. im planning on leaving glasgow at 11 and going straight to the ticket pickup place, then chilling for a bit, according to google its a 6hour drive, and thats gives us 8 hours to get there
  18. I will probably need to leave at around 2-3pm, is there a way that i can be parked so im not being blocked by someone, or is that not possible? Cheers
  19. im guessing you would need forged internals, or would 99octane fuel keep the temps down enough?
  20. how do you get a 9:1 ratio, 0.6mm gasket? standard compression is 8.2:1, on a 1mm gasket isnt it?
  21. Hey all, just fitted some camber bolts and wondering if anyone can recommend somewhere around Glasgow to get a full front end alignment done. Will most places be able to adjust camber bolts? Cheers
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