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got bored today so decided 2 go 4 a drive on the a1.waiting in que at roundabout to get on the a1 and this chav in a green punto pulls up behind me and starts revving his engine(loud exhaust to emphaize the 1.1 B) ),it also had black bumpers,silver sunstrip and m3 mirrors and the nessacery 3d lexus lights. B)

anyway finally get on the a1 and he decided to race me so i floor it past him 2 about 120 and eventually(well it seemed like 10minutes)he catches up so i pull off on to a tight sliproad and he pushes me round it B) , then theres a small round about and he pushes me round this at 45-50 B) , i somehow lose the back end, rear wheels smack the kerb and grind against the metal barrier which saved me from ending up in the f*****g canal! B)B)

tw*ts like that really p*ss me off B)B)

sorry for this rant but i needed to let it out

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Sounds harsh mate.

Its not a good time for indulging in chav bashing at the moment, you must have noticed a lot of bad accidents are happening and also a lot of bad news as well.

I find it better to just chill out and speed up when nobody is around.

Of course you can do what you want mate, but I think its best to stay safe at the moment, it could be you or anyone of us who are gonna get caught out sooner or later on the road or wherever so watch your back bro.

Not saying it like its your fault, I know those kind of boyracers are dodgy f**ks, but no good encouraging them if you can't take the heat, chances are something like what happened to you can easily happen again! I find its best to ignore and avoid that shit.

Glad to hear your ok tho and hope u can get your wheels sorted as they must be pretty farked after all that grinding!

I get all the damn bmws, clios and corsas so your not the only one ;b

Peace Out


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then theres a small round about and he pushes me round this at 45-50

How did he push you? was he actually on your bumper? Why didn't you just slow down? Seems like a better idea than going faster than you could control.

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What a tosser i hope you seen him regular and when you see him next you wana giv him piece of mind (if it was me a knock the c**t out!!!!)

Its twats like that which endanger other people and this is why this fukin legislation is coming in stopping us modifying our rides!!!! B)

Aslong as your ok mate and the damage aint too bad


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i aint gonna tell you off for racing because we have all done it so so so many times.

but what i will say is im lucky , im 26 , 6ft 4in and weigh in at 19 stone so any little chav bitch that wants a race now i simply wind down my window and jesture a wanker sign at him and call them a CUNT so he can see me then smile politely . if he wants to then stop and have works ive got a lovely wheel brace under my seat and ill just rip the tits face off lmao.

i hate chav scum lol

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i aint gonna tell you off for racing because we have all done it so so so many times.

but what i will say is im lucky , im 26 , 6ft 4in and weigh in at 19 stone so any little chav bitch that wants a race now i simply wind down my window and jesture a wanker sign at him and call them a CUNT so he can see me then smile politely . if he wants to then stop and have works ive got a lovely wheel brace under my seat and ill just rip the tits face off lmao.

i hate chav scum lol


haha prangers, calm it B)

i kno what you all mean though

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when i was about 5ft 6 i won a judo fights against against blokes of your size..i was about 15.

size dont scare me at all. lol aslong as you have more rage and determination.. i think thats what caused the accident!

oh well could have been worse mate.

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glad your ok mate... i get that all the time round my way... i just let them get on with it, and dont give them the satisfaction of a race...

in the words of nfs most wanted "i aint racing this nobody!" B)

anywho. glad your ok mate.

all the best.


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is the car alright? bloody chav scum

i had one tosser in his VW polo 1.5 TD (why even bother B) ) flash me as i drove past him

he was the same, stupid bodykit, non functioning impreza scoop and the rather common lexus lights

wiped the floor with him even on low boost! B)

tossers like that need to be put in their place

i generally use this rule: if it ain't jap, i ain't racing. to be fair, i wasn't even racing him, i just opened it up to show him what a proper car goes like B)

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then theres a small round about and he pushes me round this at 45-50

How did he push you? was he actually on your bumper? Why didn't you just slow down? Seems like a better idea than going faster than you could control.


he was literally in the boot,if i had slowed down he would have ploughed in 2 the back of me. i don't normal race but he was just asking for it

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