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Glanza V Stainless Steel Dials

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Can i start a list

looks like you already have :p:p

Is everyone happy with just the 'Glanza V' part on it and no 'Toyota Logo'? If there is 5 people with auto's and 5 people with manual versions then i can do a group discount :p It costs me less to get them made up in bulk so the more people that want them the cheaper the price gets! Can't give exact discount until i have quantity and the company i use to make them change there prices every 5 seconds :D

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If you dont mind jason could you put a pic up of them lit up so i have a good idea of what they will look like in the dark :p

Would do but i don't have a glanza so can't get them to light up. :p They will look exactly the same as the standard cluster although there will be a slight shine off of the stainless steel. Im sure someone will be able to supply pics once the first set is sold.

I might just order up 5 of each (manual/auto) on Monday. Once a couple of people buy them then i can get some better pics of them lit up etc.

Plus if i order up say 5 of each i will have a confirmed price for the first batch.

There is no time frame on these so if people want to but them over summer, winter, 5+ years from now then i can just get them made up as and when!


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ahhh i can see the OEM facias beind them, very clever.

also, these fit WITHOUT removing the needles u say??? i cant work out how u'v done thay, but your a feckin genius!!! we need instructions for me to understand more, i r thick!

N/a needles are different yes, they do have the overhang at the rear, but the SR clusters have the same needles as the Glanzas.

i'm sure there's SRonwers out there who'd be interested, i'v got an SR cluster in mine too.

very cool dude! top work!


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Is this the same speedo face that people have with the 110mph version???

glanza speedo???

I might need to order one up, just looked at the speedo dial i have and its a 120mph version :p Think it might be off of another car and not a glanza??? looks different shape as well.

The first batch to be made up will be 180mph version ones as i don't have the 110mph speedo yet.

Jason :p

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ahhh i can see the OEM facias beind them, very clever.

also, these fit WITHOUT removing the needles u say??? i cant work out how u'v done thay, but your a feckin genius!!! we need instructions for me to understand more, i r thick!

N/a needles are different yes, they do have the overhang at the rear, but the SR clusters have the same needles as the Glanzas.

i'm sure there's SRonwers out there who'd be interested, i'v got an SR cluster in mine too.

very cool dude! top work!


Thanks Mate :p Yep don't need to remove the needles!!!! otherwise its a can of worms getting everything back on and calobrated correctly. I will sort out instructions over the weekend but if you look at the link in my sig for the GT ones that will give you an idea of how they go on. The centre hole is basically large enough to slide over the needle without removing it. The fuel needle will have to be removed as obviously you can't fit that one as it has 2 needles on the same dial. This isn't a problem though as you just put it back on in the same location you took it off in.

I won't be able to make dials for the N/A but the SR ones will easily be achievable, once i get my hands on a SR speedo that is :p


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1. LukEp (auto dials 180mph version)

2. mickyboy ( manual 180mph version )




jason will the auto dials just have the squares cut out for the letters behind or the letters cut into the dails thanks luke

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You really really need to make a set of these for us N/as mate!! I would 100% have a set off you if you make them.

As said a SR set is in the pipeline but i can't do the N/A version as the needles are different. :p

jason will the auto dials just have the squares cut out for the letters behind or the letters cut into the dails thanks luke

Will just be the squares cutout as when you scan the dials in i can't get good enough definition on the letters themselves. The squares will line up perfectly with the rest of the cutouts though, just like the rest of the speedo.

EDIT: just double checked the auto jpeg file and there is pretty good definition on the letters themselves. Problem is its not the letters that light up, its the square around the letters so the only option is a square cutout.

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Look very good! :p

i've had sets of these on other cars & they are a nightmare in the summer! the reflection of them is dangerously dazzling! :p

I have a set in my lexus and i only get dazzle when the sun is at a certain height and the car is pointing in a certain direction. only a handfull of times a year, but if people are worried about this then there are the indiglow dials, or just the standard version :p

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Paseo set if I source you a dial unit?

If I source unit for you, I get free set? :p

Yes i can do that, problem is the speedo you provide me with will require me taking it apart and will more than likely be useless afterwards. so you will need to fit the dials to another speedo cluster. Isn't the SR dials similar to the paseo ones???

Jason :p

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As said a SR set is in the pipeline but i can't do the N/A version as the needles are different. :p

Will just be the squares cutout as when you scan the dials in i can't get good enough definition on the letters themselves. The squares will line up perfectly with the rest of the cutouts though, just like the rest of the speedo.

EDIT: just double checked the auto jpeg file and there is pretty good definition on the letters themselves. Problem is its not the letters that light up, its the square around the letters so the only option is a square cutout.

good man just what i wanted to hear as i have planz for the 6 gear lights when it goes manual tar


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SR version is on the cards, however they may be a month+ or so as i don't yet have a SR speedo to butcher, plus i have a heart operation coming up.

I have fitted the dials properly to the crappy cluster i have and they fit perfectly and are not too fiddly to fit.

I haven't yet had a chance to post up the fitting instructions but i have taken the pics, just need to write the text. Was going to do it on sunday but i ended up in A&E with chest pains :thumbsup: They don't think its my heart though which is good, although they don't actually know what is causing it. :p

Anyway, i need to start by looking for a SR cluster :D

Jason :p

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