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As above got some bad news. After hours of thinking i might have to sell my n/a :wub: ano its no were near ny thing compared to these glanzas and GT's but ive just bin laid of 1 of my jobs and simply cant afford to run her nymore :) got alot more thinkin cuz i go uni in a diff city so might take a gap year next year but not sure yet. Well thats all from me :)

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if yaneed ya car to get uni then obv keep it because not much else is as reliable as a starbo. if you don't need it then keep it but declare off road etc. then when ya back on ya feet. get rollin once more.

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if yaneed ya car to get uni then obv keep it because not much else is as reliable as a starbo. if you don't need it then keep it but declare off road etc. then when ya back on ya feet. get rollin once more.

If i sell up i aint getting another car atall. other priorities atm

Thats shit, how much you want for it?


Aint even thought about it to be honest with you :wub:

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in times like the you have to sell your body before you sell your car :)

Ive tried but my bodys too exhausted now :p

Hope you manage to find another job soon, tough times right now :)

Thanx bro. fakin credit crunch can go do 1.!

Hope it all works out bro, will be a shame to let her go! :(

I know luke would really hate to see her go. fingers crossed i get a job ASAP. :wub:

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bad times pal :) hope ya get a job asap so ya dont av 2 sell her :)

All fingers crossed pal

Bad times mate!! Can fully understand if you have to sell up though. Times are hard at the minute.

Too hard atm man. Glanza plans defo down the drain lol

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i lost my job friday just gone dude

get it sorned, and stick it in a garage if you can, then when you can afford it put it back on the road

ask your parents or a relative if they want to use it while your at uni too bud, get them to look after it, so it still gets used and you dont have to pay for it

i personally will sell my bed before i sell my car ive put wayyyy to much money into it

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