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getting popular round our way

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when i bought my V in june last year there wasnt a single one in the towns that are local to me, now theres at least 3 in my nearest town and im pretty sure 4 in the other place.

have they got popular where you are recently, because id never seen one myself (or known that i had) until about last april.

must be a trend setter out this way lolol ;)

no wonder they've come down in price so much

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you notice them more, because you have 1 yourself. its weird, like when you play on gta every1 seems to have whatever your driving

that actually happens because the game thinks you like the car your in so spawns more of the same type so when you blow it up you can get another ;)

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you notice them more, because you have 1 yourself. its weird, like when you play on gta every1 seems to have whatever your driving

na id think that, but its a car i would notice anyway, there are generally more, there were non for the first few months but since about november theres been a few more appear

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Mate live in Birmingham there's absolutely loads!! When I got my first V I never seen any but now I see at least three or four a day. My estate where I live is quite small at one point there was three and my own on there lol!

I dont really mind tho because I still love em ;)

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i bought my glanza in august 2009 when i was 18, at the time there was only one glanza in my area that i knew of which a mate owned since then there have been at least another 3-4 gt/glanzas come along, rather annoying!

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i bought my glanza in august 2009 when i was 18, at the time there was only one glanza in my area that i knew of which a mate owned since then there have been at least another 3-4 gt/glanzas come along, rather annoying!

Well im sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry ;)

If I hadnt of seen Marks V, then I probably never would of bought one... so, by default, its both your faults :p

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wanted 1 ever since my mums friend bought 1 when she had her mid life crisis lol. was a gt kicking around but the guy crashed it i bought my v 4 days later 1 of the local lads pulled up in a black v then 3 weeks later another pulled up in a silver v :p safe to say i wasnt impressed however.

lad with black v couldnt afford the new clutch and gearbox the car needed so he swaped it back to the guy he bought it from for his old vectra

guy with silver v crashed in to a guy and turned out he hadnt insured it properly so hes in the shit now and has to fix it( the guy fucked up his car windscreen , bonnet ,bumper, headlight and even flatend the intercool pipe over the mani.) so once he fixed it he will be selling it and ill be back to the only 1 in town ;)

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i was the only one round my town for a while then socks got his and my bro's got one now, a lad at works got a glanza and theres another one about too lol

you do notice them more when you get one but also when you get a decent car and show them off to your friends etc they decide they like them and go get one. its good thing though really cause if theres more than one person with a starlet who are friends e.g me and socks if we ever need spare parts etc weve more chance in helping each other out lol

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I was the 1st to have a Starlet in my area, when it got Glanza repped my mate who died got his Glanza, and at the same time I got my GT so didnt care because I had boost then aswell ;)

Theres a few but not to the extent you see them everyday plus the ones I own/owned will always be the best round here :p

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