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Went out the other night to meet up with some mates and I drove through a under ground car park and then some police ran in front of my car and pulled me in to give me a 171 for Reckless driving & my exhaust been too loud!

What. The. Fuck.

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Sounds similar to a section 59! I got one a couple of years ago. Police were being dicks then too! Fair enough i did a small wheelspin by accident (it was pretty slippy going into a car park). Later found out from my aunt that works at the police station that they had said i was doing 50mph+ along the high street and handbrake turned into the car park....i had been sat waiting to get in for a few mins due to pedestrians, hadnt been speeding, and itd be impossible to handbrake turn into it as well, the entrance isnt much wider than the car!

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I've had 2 I think, one for accelerating down a straight in a mk2 golf gti I was let try, wasn't speeding but was 'antisocial' (no houses about) second time in my old k24 glanza same straight was trying to set up boost controller, sat in road then boost it up to see if it's working as it should. Was seen by an off duty officer.

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Lucky no one had anti lag

Me and a mate in his 200sx went around popping and banging his rev limiter bee-r on his stupidly modified s14 200sx got banned from the circuit On a drift day

Also the coppers used to stop him and nearly took his car from him cuz it used to spit natural flames they followed him all the way home?

He was on his second s.59

Edited by Ep'd
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I got one of these for bouncing on the limiter in 1st and 2nd through town on a Saturday night lol... To be fair it was wet and no grip, and I was no way near anyone... He pulled me over and said I was speeding and someone could have ran out... I was doing about 20mph but I wasn't going to argue for the sake of a written warning... It only last a year. Mines ran out now and I just drove like I always have without any issues.... Just be careful where and when you decide to put your foot down... Like the back roads at 4am lol.

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What are these section 59s etc,get 3 and you lose your car or something? Don't think we have anything like that over here,you get points or else you get away with it,one or the other lol

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This reminds me, i got my mate pulled over. I gunned it upto 30 cop sitting in a garage ignores me and pulls my mate instead. :lol:

Only things I've got any paper work for was no MoT (2 months out of date) and i only got a £60 fine for that as i had the use of a 2nd car.

Few mates have had asbos but they dont seem to really do anything? Lol

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