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opinions on PINK starlets.

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Now Ive been desperately looking around for a new EP before Japfest and seen a fair few heaps of scrap along the way, but all the nicer ones seem to be in the 'obscure' colours.

I've seen some vile baby blue ones, and dogs anus maroon/brown ones and also PINK ones. And i dont know why but as soon as I saw one I fell in love with it. So what are peoples opinions on pink? would be epic to make into a turbo sleeper slammed on some half decent wheels, or will people assume I'm packing fudge?


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I like the purple N/a's, would look awesome kitted, pink ones are ok too.

Although, most people not in the know would automatically assume that yes you were bent driving a pink starlet, lets be honest.

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took me a while to find my salmon one in 3 door. don't think there's any floating around with power steering of the extras that your cd has, which makes me miss my sr an awful lot. it will be slammed eventually, i just have other priorities and i'm just so poor at the moment.

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took me a while to find my salmon one in 3 door. don't think there's any floating around with power steering of the extras that your cd has, which makes me miss my sr an awful lot. it will be slammed eventually, i just have other priorities and i'm just so poor at the moment.

in the same boat man, shall have no money once another EP is bought :( spotted one not too far from me though, sportif so same as yours. luckily i have the CD for spares so hopefully wont be too different :) anything specific your after mate? you can have bits off my old one for cheap because its going to the scrapper anyway.


thats the one im perving on ;)

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i've got sr clocks and tte spoiler waiting to be prepped and resprayed. i've got the parts lined up, i just have festivals coming up, house rent to pay and things i wanna sort out. i think once i've got tyres on wheels it will encourage me a lot more. she needs a service doing aswell, the joys :(

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I like the purple N/a's, would look awesome kitted, pink ones are ok too.

Although, most people not in the know would automatically assume that yes you were bent driving a pink starlet, lets be honest.


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