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ebay steering wheels?

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I dunno about you but I get paranoid about knocked off parts, the 'suede' will probably turn to bubble gum in 3 weeks I'd end up bending the wheel when I get a bit... Forceful on a hoon :-P

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i say if you cant afford a legit one leave the standard one on, there are crowds of people who will vouch for the fakes but at end of the day....your car...your safety...imo

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It took my suede one a year of daily usage, and all that happened was it turned into leather haha, I've had an accident with it too, bent slightly, but not even noticeable while driving.

If you did have a front end impact, surely the steering wheel bending will take the impact and bend rather than snapping your wrists? eBay steering saved a mates wrists when someone pulled out in front of his scoob!

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After watching that video I would say you would be stupid to buy a eBay special, I paid 15 quid for my omp wheel locally and its solid and don't bend or flex at all, a steering wheel needs to be safe and solid not flimsy and bend every time you lean on it

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Were the cj performance ones flimsy? or were they strong?

I've rocked on it mate and seems solid, obviously not like they did in the vid as I did t want to do any damage but I gave it a good rock back and forth and seems completely solid, one

Of the more decent products from them lol

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