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Everything posted by Jim*

  1. Not really a new user but, how do you edit the name of a thread that you have started? Am I being blind and missing the edit button?
  2. Nice photo Micky boy! Car looks mint!
  3. A day late Browner thanks for the heads up though. will see if it turns up on Tuesday!
  4. I've messaged Tara 4 days ago and still no reply about the clutch...
  5. Aha fucking iPhone link here: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?layout=mobile&client=mv-google&v=RgOH-QlxfRc&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2F&has_verified=1
  6. Haven't seen anyone post this one up... This guy has strapped a truck turbo to this supra, Skip the first 50 seconds as there's no driving!
  7. Jim*

    Ported engine ??

    What kind of bhp increase can you see from this? Or quicker spool times?
  8. Will be paying for it in the next few days mate! So not long now mate
  9. Cars looking awesome mate! Should have mine back soon will have to meet up and get some pictures man
  10. Saw a video of a supercharged r32 and remembered this video, Immense car!
  11. Could you try to get us a date on the clutch? as mine is going into td on the 7th and we were told that we would receive the clutches at the end of march
  12. Read my mind trisk ;) Should be a permanent live right?
  13. Dot know which wire that is by any chance?
  14. I seem to remember having my clister out not long ago and that being blue? and I have a hks turbo timer mate
  15. thanks mate! possibly a stupid question but I didn't fit the turbo timer, which is the accessory wire?
  16. yeah a guide or something would be good as it is f'ing annoying
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