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Everything posted by AlancEP82

  1. well Kenny,took your time gettin in here lol
  2. bump,has to be one of either out there some where
  3. lucky you that can get a 2nd hand doobie lip,that's just what I'm after,looks so mean your gt,you leaving the grill out
  4. I'm not on it either get it on here lol have facebook links haha
  5. wicked man,love the wishbones
  6. will do man,il give him a buzz in the morning,an il let you know in here
  7. yeah man I know him well I wanted that cage your buying funds wouldn't allow doe
  8. I'd say all is ok man,think he has trouble with his broadband sometimes,he only lives about 30 mins from me
  9. anyone got one lying around mine just ran out and don't live near any shops cheers
  10. m.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&gl=IE&client=mv-google&v=At9BoXuQVE4
  11. all for the sake of a few pound,why bother rip someone off like
  12. me friend hit rabbit one nite,the crunch,ping sound of his skull hitting the back Axel in his gi was Teriable
  13. slept in mine a rite few times,passenger seat legs over drivers side.next day in bits
  14. sounds like banger boys lol ct9s forged engines and lighter fluid
  15. cheekey fucks,some nerve they have,pity you didn't get them,tie them up in your shed,do a fritzil on them
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