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Everything posted by AlancEP82

  1. got new gearknob for the quick shift I made at work
  2. made a quick shift today at work just extended the standard one
  3. last wheels looked sick,rubbing is a pain cage looks well
  4. its that time again lads and ladies TOC's annual BIG meet for all you starlet and Toyota nuts,come along and see some fine Toyota's,always a good day out Location : Midway carpark in portlaoise Date : 21th July Time : 2:00 link for map for newbies : http://maps.google.ie/maps?hl=en&client=firefox- a&hs=gyf&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&prmd=imvns&biw=1525&bih=712&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=midway +portlaoise&fb=1&gl=ie&hq=midway +portlaoise&cid=0,0,9541791169635973794&ei=WghxT9W9Hcql0QXT4N34Dw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved
  5. why did so many niggers die in the Veitnam war ? every time someone shouted 'get down' all the niggers jumped up and started dancing
  6. there is a few differint tyres you can get some are stronger than other can't remember which colour is best,I done it and it lifted the paint of in minutes
  7. AlancEP82


    new zombie map coming for black ops 2 looks deadly set in the wild west
  8. love the way you done the bumper grill,cracking gt
  9. easily made either to suit a cage,probley cheaper to
  10. check around the ecu for a fuel cut defender,could have differint ecu either
  11. shocks or rear arm bushes and check panhard rod bushes to
  12. lengthen the the wee bar one on the acuater half turn at a time and keep an eye on your boost gauge
  13. nice looking gt,yellow plate looks cool
  14. looking for one from the front to see the sticker he has for the sunstrip
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