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Everything posted by riko666

  1. only redundant wires I can think of removing are the a/c buttons and anything a/c related...umm...and when I get manual windows, the electric window wiring...oh and the boot/dome lights...err...that's it
  2. The basis of the weight saving on my car will surround....me
  3. chap, I've got quite a few components for converting to Turbo...check out my auction on eGay: Clicky Soon enough, once I've replaced them, I'll have a manifold, downpipe (with modified exhaust to suit), CT9a turbo for sale too...Apart from everything mentioned here, you will need some sort of Air/Fuel management, be it a Piggyback unit like a Dastek Unichip, Apex-i SAFC or a Standalone like a GReddy Emanage Blue/Ultimate. You'll also need an Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator...and sounds like about it
  4. Ok, an update: So as I said, I wd40'd the spark plug tubes, wire brushed the spark plugs, wd40'd the spark plug wires, cleaned the fuel injectors....And still the same shit. I touched the screwdriver on the injectors, and it was hard to tell as the rough idle shook the engine loads, but I believe all of them are clicking, so no injector is stuck open... So where to now? I'll check the fuel filter & pump tomorrow but what am I looking for? And after that what are my other possibilities? I want to change the oil (keep the filter) too for safe-keeping. I think it could be what was stated a
  5. how dare you call Katsuhiro Ueo a "mad bastard"
  6. ugh, well, anyway, when the WD40 dries out i'll try firing up the car and see what's changed...if nothing, would someone in the area be kind enough to come up and help me with this? I'm getting so sick & tired of the car now...
  7. yeah I'll change the oil once the car is working, haven't changed in a good few 1000mi...and ECU has been reset countless times
  8. aaaargh, any chance of getting it out asap? I will give you....£2.07! Should be fine in an envelope!
  9. ok, what I can confirm is that the spark plug tubes smell of "damp" and most of them are quite rusty...moisture seeping causing a bad spark? Anyway, I wire brushed each spark plug, and after putting them back in, put some WD40 in them and onto the ends of the Spark Plug Wires. I also removed the injectors, Doused them in Carb' Cleaner and cleaned the surrounding area on the intake manifold. I may check the distributor cap after the WD40 has dried from the Spark Plug tubes..but otherwise, I've just got fuel filter left to check By the way, does anyone have a spare Fuel Injector O-Ring they can
  10. used injector cleaner, some new petrol, cleaned the Idle Control Valve with Carb' Cleaner... I'll go check the plugs/wires/distributor cap now, as well as clean the Injectors...I just don't understand why after 2 months of non-driving it acts like this? My other engines have never done it...
  11. Some of you may have seen this thread on TGTT, but anyway, get help where I can...basically, after not having driven the car in close 2 months the car is running like ass. On start up it is lumpy as...well...a "Cammed" V8, literally shaking the car, and belching out lots of black, rich of petrol smoke. When warm, the idle is even lower (around 500rpm as opposed to 800rpm when cold) and usually stalls... Now I know it could be the petrol having deteriorated in the time, but I've put in a bottle of Fuel System Cleaner and a Quarter tank of new petrol (was nearly empty before), and no difference
  12. to the left of the turbo...the thing that gets in the way when you change your oil filter
  13. Finally a person with the right priorities - just a disclaimer on the Polycarbonate windows, they're are listed as "Race use" for a reason, being that their heat expansion rate is vastly different to that of glass, and it will actually expand to the point of leaving huge gaps between panels when the weather is hot. Granted, it's not so much of an issue here in the UK, but if you consider the difference in temperature from January to June/July, you can envision some problems cropping up. Now, you having a GT will be denied from the Fiberglass Doors/wings/hatch and Polycarbonate windows that Cr
  14. stop tempting me with all this filth!
  15. Updated pictures of Me - now with added Chin-Bum fluff: I'm the one in the middle, I think And me modelling a fashionable girl's top And no, I didn't put a picture of me with 2 girls to show I'm a "pimp" or "playa"...I'm not like that....it's just one of the very few pictures of me smiling
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