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Everything posted by Galliano

  1. on a more serious note... all the freakin "eco-mentalists" can either a. look at all those driving huge lincolns and hummers in the states... or b. get a life. and then banning cars from city centers is a bloody crap idea... they dont like people driving in the countrysides because it scares the badgers... but they force you out of cities with congestion charges
  2. sorry to hear that mate. on a lighter note... i look foward to the rest of the re-spray! whats the story about going matt black?
  3. hi mate... i would look at any breaking yards if i were you. but also go for the EL54 dials... much better looking. good luck finding a paseo in a breakers though
  4. Shame you sold the Paseo for a four eyed freak! but my oh my hasnt it got some grunt! do you know where the seo went then mate?
  5. one would wouldnt he thanks Mikey
  6. look foward to the rims and more pics have a good break mate
  7. very smart, im liking the mafia guns case! worth buying that optional extra!
  8. Galliano


    An 85-year-old man went to his doctor's office to get a sperm count. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, "Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow." The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained: "Well, doc, it's like this - First I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing." "Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then her left, still nothing. She tried w
  9. im more of a paseo guy.. but i know for sure they have different bonnets (the V has the vent,.. the S is just a bulge) other than that mate im affraid i cannot help but i hope they gave you a bit of an insentive anyhow welcome by the way
  10. if these ever come to... i will be suicidal! good old Gordon though.. hes trying so hard the be that bastard Tony was
  11. thos not that bad i dont think for re-spraying... but anyhow, have a good trip
  12. if you dont mind me asking Joz.. how much did it set you back for the spraying of the bumpers and the rear end? (spraying alone that is.. not for the bumper making)
  13. look sweet mate... but are they curbed or is it the light?
  14. for how long? so... you going to refurb them? as they dont look all too great unless its just the rubbish picture your giving to keep us on our toes
  15. so you got the £400 debt?
  16. Gone In 60 Seconds... pretty good.. then italian job original
  17. not as of yet im affraid mate. its dependant really on when people can make it, but if you read my post a little bit up from yours, its going to be made into a summer photoshoot instead... maybe more june-july time by then my red paseo will be running and my neighbour will drive up with it and Riko... your quite welcome to come along... paseos dont drink much (yours might with a turbo though..?)
  18. thats crap! hense why we have cats they dont chew... they sleep on them
  19. those arent too bad.. but for 30 quid its a bit dodgey.. :S
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