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Everything posted by JoJo_228

  1. Well I'm currently unemployed. I've always been too indecisive.. Left my old job of supervisor at a delicatessen in September when I moved house.. Everyday I want to do something different..
  2. Just out of interest.. What were all your career goals when you were younger? Like what did you want to do and is it what you followed? Or are you doing something completely different.. I don't mean like when you were 6/7 or something.. Cause I wanted to be a Firefighter when I was around that age.. But sort of, when you left school and had to make the big decision..
  3. Awful film maybe.. But why the heck not ;)! I agree, she's beautiful. Haha oh gosh, I'd love to work at B&Q.. I'd probably call all the customers who bought similar items cheeky devils..
  4. High five to that!! That's what me and Adam are doing. Only thing I'm worried about is the fact it'll probably be rammed and there will be no spaces.. Meaning sitting elbow to elbow with other people in a slightly 'raunchy' film!
  5. Hah! I'm terrible for comparing books to movies.. this is purely why I'm going.. Disappointed who they picked for the main guy.. absolutely love Dakota Johnson though.. I think, there has been such a big fuss over it - it will more than likely be rubbish compared to expectations.. But it's a bit of fun, chances are there will be lots of giggling in the cinema..
  6. Woke up at 2.30am to say bye to Adam who went to pick a car up from Kent.. Then took my mother shopping.. Then drove to Derby to pick up some alloys for Adams new daily.. Because I'm such a kind girlfriend...
  7. I think it's different to what's usually on at the cinema. Think it'll be a laugh ! Films are getting so similar now..
  8. I joke Just curious who's going to see the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' film? I know this is a male majority forum, and the whole saga is female majority... But I can guarantee some of you lot will be going to view/dragged along? I'm wanting to drag Adam to see it.. Not that he'd like you lot knowing he's going to see it
  9. The same as the one Whitenoize had ?
  10. Starlet so slow. Boring the tits off me.

    1. Calum122


      Mines on axel stands and has been since I bought it, so yeah pretty much. Just be thankful you're going in any direction :D

    2. funny onion

      funny onion

      good old 2e haha mine is terrible

    3. JoJo_228


      Mine isn't too bad, I'm just being picky!

      Want a quicker car now!

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  11. Oh awesome.... May change it to a bug avatar Was it me Trisk?
  12. We clarified i'm not a stalker then.... ?
  13. Can't change it as I'm on my phone and don't have the pic !
  14. I'm still creeped out as to why it's my picture lol!
  15. I think you must be stalking me haha...
  16. I have a flower as well.. Not sure where it is. The tail is currently broken on the dog, as my nephew thought he was able to lift the whole thing by the tail..(he's 3 years old)
  17. Someone working extra hours ;)! All these new bits !!! Are you glad you kept her now ?
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