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Everything posted by JoJo_228

  1. Maybe give a heads up on the seller? Get on to paypal if you aren't happy dude !
  2. Im only 22 but I remember stuff happening like that when I was in school. all 368 comments ! I read through mainly the bit where they started to threaten each other. I hope that whoever they're going to JF with has a word with them about violence lol. If they're going to act like children, treat them like it !
  3. It's ridonkulous... Felt like banging all their heads together!
  4. https://www.facebook.com/groups/468173396549649/927054920661492/?notif_t=group_comment_reply That's the link... Should take you to the page.. and it's the post with the lasses arse with the controller on it.. It's comment heavy though, very boring - but they are basically planning to carry what is going on in the conversation at Japfest...
  5. Not sure whether any of you guys joined in on the latest heated debate on 'toyota starlet performance blah blah blah' page this evening.. Shit like that spoils the 'scene'
  6. Glad i'm not the only one who does this!
  7. I felt extremely nervous when a Polo was 'racing' me... I was just being the sensible driver that I am.. Foot slightly down, but not excessively.. I was winning.. OBV... Then he was gaining on me.. massively and I thought 'damn, stupid Starlet' The twat didn't realise that there was a red light that I was slowing down for and eventually stopped.. He went straight through, middle of town at rush hour. Needless to say, it made me giggle. A moment hasn't made me 'love' my car - it just gets me from A to B at the minute.. I can't afford to run/insure/tax/mod it in any way shape or form..
  8. I do love it.. It's just when we eventually do spray bits.. I hope to god it all matches !
  9. Loverly !!! Was waiting for this thread to appear, after seewing numerous instagram/snapchats of it ! Good work indeed !
  10. Save some for others, greedy ha ! To be fair, I was going to get a red one.. would have been easier to respray parts then.. rather than gay metallic pale blue!
  11. Thank you guys and i'm sure he will be getting on the spray jobs for me if im nice to him ! ! She'll be here for another year at least. I've always wanted a different back end.. I think as it is, the layout looks cluttered.. I have a few little ideas up my sleeve... im definitely doing the bumper.. in dire need. Was sprayed shockingly by whomever did it last too.. without taking the damage I did to it ! Definitely would like her a lot lower.. that'll be money dependant though! As saving up to move out when I find a job !! We shall see guys, we shall see
  12. I currently live in a 'new build'. Agree with the fact they are rushed builds.. Put up too quick, too many squeezed in. Feel cheaply built.. Nice house, but I felt I could have made a stronger house out of chocolate.. I live in a completely new village.. all new builds.. and there are so many houses.. even ones with a front door squeezed between 2 houses in a corner... Will have to take a picture to explain.. They are also planning to build an extra 400 houses. It's ridiculous. I can't help it as I'm living under my parents at the moment. I can't wait to move out - get my own plac
  13. Thing that annoys me about facebook groups is the lack of admin... Or not lack of admin, but lack of monitoring what goes on on the sites!
  14. People will probably rip your hands off for the list of OE's
  15. I follow the 'Spotted' page for Newark... and can imagine JAE is going to cause a huge uproar on the page haha.. Can't wait
  16. Taking out back seats automatically makes the car a track car though .... I joke haha! Ridiculous prices. It'll never change... they'll just get 'rarer' and more expensive!
  17. I hate facebook.. but i'm too much of a nosey shit sometimes....
  18. That will have to wait till Adam is free as it needs painting.. !
  19. This is so beautiful to look at. That is all !
  20. SO. It looks like I'll be more than likely keeping her for another year. Due to circumstances. However - some changes may be being made... Unsure as of what yet.. But it's early days. Obviously all is money dependant........
  21. He's been found, they discovered his body this afternoon in the river not far from where he was last seen. Sad sad news.
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