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Everything posted by JoJo_228

  1. Fixed it. Back to jojomo6
  2. Mine has changed now due to it having a spaz at me.. joeyjojo_6 I think..
  3. Was okay.. but I think the funniest bit was when James May fell off the horse....
  4. Woo!! Happy to hear this ! Well if you are interested.. I'm in no rush to sell, it's just sitting being unused in my garage at the moment dude !
  5. Glad you're putting this back to normal ! I can't help for parts though. Do have an 80/81 spoiler though.. very subtle. Bought for mine but i'm selling up soon !
  6. Me and Adam got a joint present off my sister(works in Halfords).... was a 'jump start' kit ! Merry Xmas folks !!!!
  7. Genuinely wasn't going to go next year.. but as it's in my hometown I can't really say no! But also my Starlet will more than likely be gone!
  8. Don't by any chance want a ep80 spoiler do you ;)? I know someone who happens to have one............. If you're keeping the 80 back end that is...
  9. I had a holiday in budapest with adam for christmas.. so I will just have chocolate on Christmas day now
  10. I'm currently trying to hurry Adam up to finish his GT/murx so I can remember what it feels like to sit in a fast car (I drive an n/a).. he's 24 and he doesn't plan on selling up for a long time... hopefully.. unless it's for something more exciting
  11. Awesome ! Anyone from on here ? Good little cars !
  12. Welcome. They aren't that rare.. I have one also... can range in prices, dependant on condition etc. Quite a few members on here have 81s.. Only difference between the 80 and 81 is apparently the 1 litre is the 80, 1.3 litre is 81.. Post a thread up so people can see everything about your car and what not. Enjoy driving it !
  13. Afraid not dude! Won't be heading that way in my hands anyway haha! Saw you last night at Chesterfield meet?
  14. Will be something to remember haha! Don't forget to bring a bed next year!!!!! Put me doon, will more than likely be there... However, it more than likely won't be in my Starlet..........
  15. Welcome... you probably will get messaged on here by guys asking you what car you drive... bit of an ice breaker ;)! Nice to see another lady, although I'm selling my Starlet rather soon! Still wander around this place !
  16. Hey, I'm not the one who deleyed a post for no reason ! Nice to see new moderators !
  17. This is awfully similar to my idea of excuses behind not getting items.. Does one get credit
  18. We should open a thread named... 'Best excuses for not receiving goods'
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