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Everything posted by JoJo_228

  1. Has everyone got their NERF ON?
  2. I didn't get nominated as no one likes me on my facebook haha! Lesson in life, lose friends and you won't have to pour ice over yourself ! Toyota one is pretty cool though..
  3. I get paid next Thursday, £10 will be coming your way dude ! I want to do a half marathon next year or the year after! Good on her
  4. I like football ! If adam doesn't play haha
  5. I only ever eat mcdonalds with adam haha! Never went to any sort of takeaway before I was with him. Burger King and KFC I hate with a passion. Then again I'm a posh fuck who makes posh people sandwiches for a living.. I'm bound to hate stuff like this ;)!
  6. Taken at last year's JAE. Me and aaddzz123 ! Hopefully spend more time with everyone this year !
  7. Having the time of his life.. Sand sand sand... Before he called it a day.. (I was hungry and tired)
  8. Me and adam will be popping down if the weather is decent
  9. Me and adam are going JAE shopping ! Only 8 more days at work for me till JAE!
  10. My Starlet second photo down on the first post
  11. Had an awesome day! Didn't speak to many people mind, was in a daze haha! Nice to see so many of us, looking forward to JAE now !
  12. I have tonnes of my paint anyway, I need an excuse to use it ! Along with the spoiler.. wishlist before JAE!
  13. I'm going to hold on to it for a little while, i've decided..! Hah! If I still haven't used it in a few months, it's yours haha
  14. Last chance before japfest 2? Need to get my car ready !
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