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Everything posted by JoJo_228

  1. My boyfriend owns a starlet.. and he hasn't ditched me yet. Probably because I bought a starlet too ! In all fairness, I can be a needy bitch sometimes, and want to see him all the time etc. But he still sees his mates and I see mine occasionally. We do a lot together.. whether it be spending just our time together or him fixing his car etc/doing other car bits(fixing mine) Sometimes I do feel he loves his car more than me.. but recently I love my car more also ;)! Pretty much, you need to find a happy medium ? Find something that you both agree on.. Make sure you still show you care.. that
  2. That's a nice ep80.. ... Absolutely can't wait to see the finished thing. Good work darling !
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2706534/Magaluf-bar-British-girl-filmed-performing-sex-acts-24-men-shut-police-investigation-video.html
  4. Maybe it's a girl thing.. But I have wheels that sparkle in the sunshine too !
  5. So. My parents have found their new house, which means i'll be leaving my home for 22 years shortly! This means I get to have a fresh start, new job, eventually move out from my parents house (years time for me). Hopefully this next year or so, start putting savings away for a house! Things are looking up for me, no more cardboard box
  6. Not any major update.. ! But my nephew is in love with my car.. He found my keys and dragged me outside to sit in my car..
  7. I can't wait to dance along to all of these bad ass tunes
  8. I think everyone should drop everything, pack their car up and just come for the whole weekend. Saying that I am yet to book it off work and an MOT to pass ahah!
  9. This seems appropriate as there doesn't seem to be many females this year... >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfsHctqvMwc
  10. >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXIHXQjbtl8 >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUsm3PCoGIE
  11. Tempted to buy myself a heavy duty box and decorate it then move out that way, anything would be less stressful than what i'm going through at the moment! Why life be so hard
  12. No more stilts ! Stranded a few times? Didn't mention that girlfriend had to attempt to push you out of some awkward situations!! Glad it's sorted now Clean her NOW!!!
  13. Yeah it's a major difference ! Definitely get them on the list! Glad I could be of help
  14. There are food sites there, reasonably priced! Usually people go to the shop near by and get their own food and bbq it etc.. weather dependant ! Mainly though you have it all.. Car, booze and sleeping equipment haha, what more does one need!
  15. I finished work late and by the time I was home and ready, adz told me you'd all gone! Would have just got there when you guys left! There's other times!
  16. It's broke, and haven't got round to taking the broken screws out of the boot! Need both new plates, just lazy and haven't had time! Monza shocks and rsr springs
  17. Sits so small next to other cars. Really falling in love with how she's looking 😜
  18. Already got me name down. However MOT is a couple of days before, risky ha !
  19. What time are people staying till ? Need to know whether it's worth the drive over to not ?
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